Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Other names: Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Nanny Dog, Staffie

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65 reviews

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a dog with a well-proportioned build. Of muscular constitution, it displays a great power compared to its size. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is very muscular and remarkably agile. It gives off an impression of explosive force.



Photo: Staffordshire Bull Terrier breed dog on Woopets
Hair type Short
Origin Britain
Template Average
Head shape Square
Weight and size
Sex Weight Cut
Female From 10 kg to 15 kg From 33 cm to 38 cm
Male From 12 kg to 17 kg From 35 cm to 40 cm
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History of the breed

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier descends from a cross between the Old English Bulldog and terriers such as the White Terrier or the Manchester Terrier . It is obviously of British origin and appeared in the heart of the 19th century as domesticated. Previously, it was mainly used in fights against bulls, bears and donkeys. These fights are banned in 1835 although they have continued throughout the first half of the 19th century.

Its current name was not adopted until 1935 by the British Kennel Club . Since then, the Staffie has entered the customs and homes. His dedication, his affection for his master, his playful side, but also his aptitudes for hunting make him a very popular dog.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier presentation video

Staffordshire Bull Terrier Pictures

Photo of Gallion dit Roy, Staffordshire Bull TerrierPhoto of Edenne, Staffordshire Bull TerrierPhoto of Chupee, Staffordshire Bull TerrierPhoto of Trunks, Staffordshire Bull TerrierPhoto of Kenya, Staffordshire Bull TerrierPhoto of Ghost ricon, Staffordshire Bull Terrier

View all Staffordshire Bull Terrier photos of Woopets members

Physical features

His hair: smooth, short and thick.
Its color: red, fawn, white, black or blue or variegated with white, brindle (with or without white).
His head: short, wide and high. The stop is marked, the nose still black and the jaws very powerful, with well developed teeth.
His ears: neither large nor heavy, arranged in pink or partially erect. Should not be drooping or fully erect.
His eyes: round in shape, medium in size and arranged so that the dog can see straight ahead. Their color is preferably dark, but it can present a lighter tone if it matches that of the dress.
His body: compact, muscular, with a broad chest and well let down in the sternal region, as well as a powerful and short neck, widening towards the shoulders.
Its tail: of medium length, set on and carried low. It is refined by approaching the end. Must not roll up.

Behavior and character

Barks / howls

Behavior with others

Cohabitation with children
Sociable with other animals
Love strangers

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is tenacious, courageous, intelligent and affectionate at the same time . As long as he has been well educated and his aggressiveness has not been stimulated, he will be tender with all members of the family, especially children . The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is an attentive and reliable companion and guard dog.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier
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From its past as a fighting dog, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier has retained its qualities as a tough and fearless animal, as well as its powerful grip. His education must therefore be perfectly balanced, his socialization sufficiently advanced so that he does not present behavioral problems in adulthood. A good grip (firmness, games and affection) from an early age makes it possible to make a dog as tender and loyal as other breeds.

Living conditions

Suitable for apartment living
Good for new masters
Love it hot
Love the cold

Little by little, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier has become a good companion dog that has adapted to house life . Apartment living is fine for him too , as long as he can walk, run and jump to channel his energy. Less well protected from the cold, he must sleep inside.


Ease of gaining weight

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a particularly robust dog that we must above all protect from the cold and bad weather because of his rather sparse coat. It also presents predispositions to certain dermatological pathologies such as demodectic mange (also called follicular mange; due to infestation of the hair follicles by a microscopic vermiform mite) and pyoderma (caused by bacteria of the streptococcus or staphylococcus type) .

Hypoallergenic breed


Litter size

Between 4 and 5 puppies

Major concerns
L-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria
Hip dysplasia
Elbow dysplasia
Subacute necrotizing encephalopathy
Minor concerns
Patella dislocation
Occasional concerns
Atopic dermatitis
Follicular dysplasia
Congenital myotonia
Gastric torsion
Suggested tests

To guard against these risks and insure your companion in the event of health problems, Woopets recommends a Staffordshire Bull Terrier dog insurance .

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Life expectancy

Minimum: 12 years old

Maximum: 14 years

The life expectancy of a Staffordshire Bull Terrier is, on average, between 12 years and 14 years.

Calculate the human age of your Staffordshire Bull Terrier!

To choose… 1 year 2 years 3 years Four years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years 11 years old 12 years 13 years 14 years old 15 years old 16 years old 17 years 18 years old 19 years old 20 years 21 years old

Maintenance and hygiene

Ease of maintenance
Cost of maintenance
Hair loss
Drool level
Ease of grooming

The coat of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier is composed of short and smooth hair, its maintenance does not involve any particular difficulty . It loses little hair throughout the year.

It is recommended to brush the Staffordshire Bull Terrier on a regular basis, about once a week . His hair and skin must be kept clean in order to prevent possible skin pathologies that can affect him through various mites and bacteria. It does not need to be bathed frequently.

The dog’s eyes should be cleaned using a suitable lotion or physiological serum. The ears should be checked weekly to make sure there is no trace of dirt or infection, and they should be cleaned with cotton.

Teeth should be brushed regularly in order to eliminate the build-up of tartar and the proliferation of bacteria. The nails are to be cut if necessary. If you are new to this, it is best to seek advice from a veterinarian.

Price and budget

Purchase price

€ 1300
€ 1,800

The purchase price of a Staffordshire Bull Terrier is between € 1,300 and € 1,800.

Annual maintenance cost

1000 €
€ 1,100

The annual maintenance cost of a Staffordshire Bull Terrier is between € 1,000 and € 1,100.

Name ideas for a Staffordshire Bull Terrier


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The Staffordshire Bull Terrier requires a diet rich in calcium and protein . It must be adapted to its high energy needs. Thus, it will be composed of croquettes available in specialized stores. A very particular effort on its diet should be made during its growth so that it can develop without causing damage to its joints. Divide its food into 2 rations per day .

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Physical activity

Energy level
Potential to play

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier needs long daily outings during which they can exercise and run. This dog is full of energy , without being hyperactive. It must therefore be able to be spent every day and long enough. Keeping it on a leash is compulsory during outings.

What harness for a Staffordshire Bull Terrier?

Although the dog collar has many advantages , such as learning to walk on a leash or identifying the latter with a collar and tag, veterinarians tend to agree in recommending the use of a harness . But be careful, do not rush on the internet by typing “staffordshire dog harness”, because you risk being quickly disappointed and having to buy one very quickly. Here are some tips to help you find the perfect harness for your pooch.
First and foremost, know that there are several forms of harness for our four-legged companions:

  • harnesses with a Y shape: it will go under the dog’s chest
  • H-shaped harnesses: the largest part of the harness is on the dog’s back and forms a sort of H
  • T-shaped harnesses: the large part of the harness will be positioned on the shoulders and form a T

Now let’s move on to the specific Staffordshire harness. The H shape is ideal for short walks and will be very easily adjustable. In fact, you must take particular care in choosing the size and setting it correctly, because Staffordshires are very clever dogs and can pull out of their harnesses very hard. To find out the size, just measure your dog’s chest circumference with a seamstress tape measure. You will then have to report this size to the manufacturer’s instructions. If your dog pulls a lot, know that there are so-called educational or anti-traction harnesses. They will have a Y shape this time around. This can be a great solution, especially for a young dog.
Regardless of the model, be sure to look at the quality of the foam and nylons, as it could hurt the dog if the latter is of poor quality.


Classifications & Standards
(FCI) Fédération Cynologique Internationale
(AKC) American Kennel Club
(CKC) Canadian Kennel Club
(KC) The Kennel Club
(NZKC) New Zealand Kennel Club
(UKC) United Kennel Club
(ANKC) Australian National Council Kennel


Master character <span class="btnTooltip qTip2" title="- Calm: the master must be gentle and know how to show patience.
– Active: the owner must be energetic and dynamic to live in harmony with his dog.
– Hyperactive: the owner must be stimulating and very restless to suit the temperament of his dog.”>

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Staffordshire bull terrier

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Should a staffordshire bull terrier wear a muzzle on a walk

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Heat for Staffordshire Bull Terrier

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Room N ° 9: The American Staffordshire Terrier

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American Staffordshire Terrier – questions before acquisition

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FCI Information



FCI Group

Group 3: Terriers

Recognized by FCI

Since 1954


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