While traveling, she decides to extend the duration of her stay by three months to save a stray puppy!

Stevie The Bali Dog / Instagram

A crush occurs when an American tourist crosses paths with a dog. The date of their meeting is an important symbol for the young woman who sees it as a sign that the bitch is made for her.

Taylor is a young American woman traveling to Indonesia. While wandering the streets of Bali , she comes across a stray puppy who seemed in a sorry state. It is in fact a female. She baptizes her Stevie and decides to take care of the sick animal for which time was running out.

The tourist had planned a stay of a few days before returning to the United States. But her meeting with the bitch touched her so much that she decided not to abandon the poor animal. In addition, it took place on the eve of the anniversary of the death of his father , who died 15 years earlier. So it could not be a coincidence and the bitch was intended for him , says Taylor , as Closermag reports.

The young woman first decides to stay in Bali for as long as it takes for the consultations with the veterinarian to eventually heal the dog.

20 consultations and 2 months later, Stevie is well and Taylor organizes her return to America with her new friend. But the instructions impose a quarantine on the bitch before she is allowed to set foot on American soil. Taylor therefore spends an additional month with the isolated animal in Jakarta .

Read also: Affected by a terminal illness, a dog is adopted by a couple who decide to fill him with love until his last breath

The time has finally come when the duo can fly to Colorado. The bitch has changed her nationality and is given a new chance in life .

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