Stuck in a ravine 20 meters deep, a retiree survives thanks to the sound of a bell!

After falling from several tens of meters into a ravine, a man was spotted and rescued thanks to the bell that a passing dog wore on a collar. Hearing the object sound, the victim understood that there was someone nearby and cried for help.

To locate your dog more quickly during walks , especially in the mountains or in the forest, one of the solutions is to attach an accessory to his collar that emits a distinctive noise. This is what the owner of a quadruped did before taking him on a mop on a site with particularly steep areas in the Doubs. It is also what made it possible to save a man who was on the scene, as reported by France Bleu .

It all started last Friday (August 7). That evening, the person in question, retired and coming from a place called La Cendrée in Fournet-Blancheroche (25), had fallen 20 meters to find himself at the bottom of a ravine . She was alone in the area at the time, so no one had noticed the accident to notify the emergency services. The man had to spend the night there , hoping that luck would change.

That’s what happened the next day, Saturday. In the morning, around 8 a.m., he heard a bell . This one from the collar of a dog walked by his master. The duo were close by, above the ravine. However, the canine owner could not pinpoint the victim’s calls for help. He then decided to call the fire department .

Read also: By adopting a senior dog, this 96-year-old woman is mobilizing to give senior dogs a chance

Very quickly, a helicopter was dispatched to the scene and the accident victim could thus be recovered . He was then transported to the CHU de Besançon , where he was taken care of for broken ribs .


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