The 5 secrets of a happy animal

Illustration : "Les 5 secrets d'un animal heureux" Illustration photo

Abandonment, abuse, wandering, unsuitable living conditions… More than ever, dogs and cats need to be protected. They, too, have rights and freedoms that must be preserved and promoted.”

Governing relations between humans and animals, as well as activities related to the latter, respect for the 5 Fundamental Freedoms leads to providing a living environment adapted to the needs and specificities of their species.”

Some important players in the pet sector are working in this direction and are setting an example to apply these Fundamental Freedoms. This is particularly the case with Edgard & Cooper.”

” At the origins of the 5 Fundamental Freedoms of the animal

This principle of the 5 Fundamental Freedoms for animal welfare was born in 1979. It was published by the UK Farm Animal Welfare Council.”

The text sets out the conditions that must be ensured for the animal so that it can lead a healthy life, in line with its needs. These Fundamental Freedoms guarantee the proper treatment of animals and serve as a code of conduct by all pet owners who respect each other, but not only.”

The 5 Fundamental Freedoms for Animal Welfare are now recognised worldwide. They are also part of the principles adopted and applied by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). The Edgard & Cooper Foundation, invested in the well-being of dogs and cats, has also made it its credo.”

” Fundamental Freedom No. 1: Do not suffer from hunger or thirst

The first of these Fundamental Freedoms concerns the possibility, for all dogs and cats, to have access to food and water, so that they do not suffer from hunger or thirst. A prerequisite that may seem banal, but essential for our hairballs so that they remain healthy.”

The diet of a dog is not the same as that of a cat. For example, the dog basically needs meat that he will only take a bite out of in 1 or 2 meals a day. The cat, on the other hand, rather likes to punctuate his day around several small meals. These are specificities specific to the characteristics of our animal that we must respond to on a daily basis.”

” Fundamental Freedom n° 2: Do not suffer from discomfort

Dogs and cats have the right and the need to have a comfortable shelter for moments of rest. The persons responsible for these animals must ensure that they are not subjected to any source of physical and/or thermal stress.”

In practice, a dog will prefer to have his bed in a quiet place and away from the passage to preserve his tranquility. A kennel is even ideal to make our dogs happy. A cat, true to its hunting instinct and fiery temperament, will prefer to have its bed perched high, like a checkpoint. In short, we have a duty to offer a decent and comfortable bed, adapted to their size and able to ensure a quality rest for our companions.”

” Fundamental Freedom No. 3: Do not suffer from pain, injury or disease

The health of our pets must be the subject of all our attention. As the owner of a pet, it is essential to protect it from abuse. Prevention and healing are also part of our missions, whether with small injuries or more serious problems. By having it checked regularly by a veterinarian, we help them detect in time or treat infections that can be serious and ruin their lives.”

Our work does not stop there, well at the contraire. They must also be given all the necessary care and maintenance to keep them healthy. A daily responsibility that involves the regular grooming of your pet and preventive measures such as deworming or antiparasitic treatments.”

” Fundamental Freedom No. 4: To be able to express the natural behaviors specific to the species

It is essential to let an animal express the behaviors associated with its species. The 4th Fundamental Freedom is therefore linked to its environment, which must be adapted to its needs. His place of life must offer him enough space and be provided with adequate facilities.”

This involves, for example, putting a scratching griffoir at the disposal of the cat to allow him to make his claws, let him wander in your garden. For its part, the dog needs to be stimulated, to have the opportunity to play with other congeners or with members of his family. Once again, the role of the human being is central to ensuring their freedom.”

” Fundamental Freedom #5: Do not experience fear or distress

A happy dog or cat is a fulfilled owner. The 5th and last Fundamental Freedom for welfare consists, for the animal, in being protected from everything that is likely to cause him fears. He must suffer neither on the psychic level nor on the mental level. Our role is paramount to offer him all the happiness he needs.”

To give examples, be careful not to leave your pet alone for too long, he could develop chronic boredom that would be terrible for his mental state. Another scenario: avoid walks that are too short or not very regular, because your dog has a vital need to ventilate. For cats, respect their secret garden, don’t force them to do things they don’t want or to be affectionate, if they aren’t naturally loving.”

Each animal has its own character and way of life that it is important to respect. Your only role is to spare him from stressful situations and offer him a safe environment.”

” The 5 Fundamental Freedoms, keystones of the work of the Edgard & Cooper Foundation in favor of animals in distress

Strongly attached to the values related to these Fundamental Freedoms, the Edgard & Cooper Foundation is inspired by them on a daily basis to carry out its solidarity actions.”

Read also: A veterinarian collects a blind and injured fox, who makes a touching friendship with her disabled dog (video)

Her support for The Dog Care Clinic project in Sri Lanka is totally in line with this logic. The Foundation has helped this veterinary care centre for stray dogs to grow and modernise. It has financed the installation of an intensive care unit and facilitates the medical care of 2000 canids per year (Fundamental Freedom n°3).”

She has also helped set up a new kitchen for the preparation of their meals (LF n°1) and allows the clinic to sterilize 9000 each year (LF n°5), among other initiatives applying these Fundamental Freedoms for animal welfare.”

This is just the beginning for the Edgard & Cooper Foundation, which is preparing to engage in other projects in favor of dogs and cats. Initiatives in line with its objectives: to provide immediate help to stop the unnecessary suffering of dogs and cats, to educate around the needs of animals and to promote their legal protection.”

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