Animal Defense
The National Animal Defense Confederation is launching its awareness campaign against animal abuse. It calls on the authorities to tighten the sanctions against the perpetrators of such acts.
25,000 cases of animal abuse were reported in 2019 , according to figures collected from member associations of the Defense of the Animal network . The latter brings together 270 animal protection associations and independent shelters in France. Faced with this observation, Defense of the Animal is launching its awareness campaign and is aimed, on the one hand, at public authorities , and on the other hand at citizens .
More severity towards abusers
From the authorities, the confederation is first of all demanding greater firmness on the penal level. It considers insufficient the maximum penalty incurred by people convicted of mistreatment of animals, which is 2 years’ imprisonment and a fine of 30,000 euros.
Defense of the Animal also requests that the procedural delay between the initiation of legal proceedings and the judgment does not exceed 6 months . From the start of the procedure until its end (which can take months or even years), the victim animal must remain at the shelter and cannot be adopted . This situation is detrimental to the latter at the same time as it balances the expenses of the reception structure, because taking care of a dog or a cat obviously requires funds.
In this regard, Défense de l’Animal would also like the State to alleviate this financial burden by participating in the care provided to the victim animal until the judgment of the owner who mistreated it.
Finally, the network of associations expects the public authorities to strengthen the monitoring of the execution of the sentence of prohibiting keeping an animal . It recommends setting up a file listing the convicted persons to ensure better monitoring of the application of this measure.
Your support is essential
Defense of the Animal is also aimed at citizens whose support is more necessary than ever.
It is thus launching an appeal for donations , which will be dedicated to the fight against mistreatment of pets.
The confederation also invites the public to sign the petition against animal abuse and to visit its campaign website .
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Finally, she urges those concerned with the protection of animal rights to lend their support to nearby shelters .