The incredible fate of a dog found sick, injured and infested with insects

Michi had a very difficult start to life. The poor dog wandered the streets of Bali alone, with a serious head injury. Sensitive to his distress, the Mission Pawsible association took action.

Michi’s injury was painful and could be fatal. Mission Pawsible volunteers attempted to grab her to shelter her and provide her with all necessary care.

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But the bitch, frightened, ran away. She ran away from her rescuers to take refuge at the bottom of a sewer. The animal remained 3 hours in its hiding place, before reinforcements intervened to dislodge it, relates Bored Panda .

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Michi was not at the end of her troubles

After recovering Michi with some difficulty, the volunteers, worried about her health, took her to the vet. The latter discovered an invasion of maggots in the wound of the unfortunate. No one knows if this was inflicted by a person or if they got into a fight with other dogs. Either way, Michi was in dire need of help.

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The healer had to shave off his fur covered in blood, dirt and insects. Although the hole in his head had been healed, Michi was not at the end of his troubles. After being transferred to a foster family, the vet diagnosed her with parvovirus, an infectious disease.

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Thanks to the treatment and support her benefactors gave her, the little warrior recovered and was even adopted. Michi endured terrible hardships, but survived.

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Today in great shape, she enjoys life alongside her loving owners, who make her forget her painful past. The little family is happier than ever.

Read also: A dog visits the residents of a senior residence to fight boredom and isolation

© Mission Pawsible


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