These 20 photos do not represent soft toys, but Bobtails!

Bobtail dogs can be mistaken for giant cuddly toys with their thick coat. This is what these photos illustrate.

Some dog breeds have a strong resemblance to soft toys. This is the case of Bobtail dogs which are characterized by a thick coat and a large build. Bobtails are excellent canine companions with many qualities.

Here are 20 photos of Bobtail dogs that we would gladly take for cuddly toys.

1. A Bobtail at the beach, hairs in the wind

2. Here is a breastfeeding Bobtail mom who is happy with her achievement

3. The snow and the lake do the greatest good for this Bobtail dog with an impressive build.

4. The enthusiasm of this dog has something to do with it

5. Something tells us this dog took a walk to the groomer

6. This dog has a sculpture of him

7. Difficult to prefer emails to this pretty face that appears from under the table

8. The more living cuddly toys there are at home, the more charmed we are.

9. A Bobtail who is not in a very playful mood

10. Unlike this one which overflows with enthusiasm

11. This dog also had the right to a grooming session

12. When a Bobtail dog decides to sleep near the door, the passage narrows markedly.

13. He finally sees the inside of this machine which made a strange noise

14. His plush looks like him and he’s become totally addicted to it

15. A before / after photo as funny as it is moving

16. Bobtails are tireless explorers

17. He struggles with a tiny branch

Read also: A dog visits the neighbors’ puppy daily to get his massage (video)

18. He doesn’t find this drawing funny

19. An adorable Bobtail puppy on his first outing in the garden

20. Another who frolics happily in the fresh air


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