Expelled from 5 families because of his deafness, a dog now has plenty of time to communicate with his new owner

At 10 months, Ivor has already known 5 families. They all decided to give it back, because this dog is deaf. Fortunately, the RSPCA found a way to communicate with him, through sign language. It is now its new owner who benefits daily, and who does not hesitate to teach him new orders.

Ivor is still very young. But, at 10 months , this American Staffordshire Terrier has already experienced 5 different outbreaks . Each time, his successive owners decided to bring him back to the RSPCA . The reason lies in the very nature of this dog, born totally deaf . Ivor cannot hear, upsetting many people.

Sign language as an escape!

On the video visible below, you can only see the progress made by the dog, who reacts instantly as soon as he sees these commands. Remarkable aptitudes which made it possible to seduce Ellie Bromilow . The young woman also liked the little face of Ivor as well as his thirst for life finally expressed .

Read also: The portrait of an amazing and unique hairless Pug (video)


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