This blind dog lets his joy explode when he hears the voice of the one who saved him from years of wandering!

Although deprived of the use of his eyes, Arafa the dog is still there to say hello to the one who took him off the street and takes care of him at the shelter. He and Ahmed Embaby, volunteer within an Egyptian animal protection association, have been inseparable friends since their meeting.

Just because he’s blind doesn’t mean a dog has to stop living, loving, being loved, and being happy. This is what proves Arafa , he who wandered the streets of Cairo until his rescue by the team of Furever Rescue Foster .

As The Dodo tells it, in fact, this blind canine was collected and taken care of in this refuge in the Egyptian capital. As soon as he arrived, he met one of the volunteers , Ahmed Embaby , with whom a very special bond quickly developed. In fact, Arafa and Ahmed Embaby have become inseparable , extremely attached to each other.

To read also: Without news of his dog for a year, a family finds hope by discovering the photos of an animal thrown from a moving car


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