Teach his dog to stretch out its paws

Illustration : "Apprendre à son chien à donner la patte"

do you want to teach your dog how to stretch out its paws? Exercise is not complicated, but some dogs are more natural than others. Just like all learning, patience, rehearsal and good mood will eventually produce results.


is impressive. Why? Step 1: let him sit down step 2: give him a candy step 3: when he raises his paw, congratulate him that the

dog likes to learn new things. Exercise can stimulate their body, mind and emotion. Although it seems useless or even “stupid” to some people, giving claws is equally interesting and enlightening to animals. How can I teach him how to do it? Here are some suggestions to help you.

teaches its dog how to give claws, which is interesting first. For his owner and his family, this dog friendly handshake is both a moment of conspiracy and a moment of game. Once the correct posture is learned, the animal will be happy to perform it, but don’t abuse it to avoid getting tired of it. This also applies to any type of training, teaching your dog companion.

however, giving your paw is not just an interesting gesture. It can also be very useful in various situations, such as when you need to trim your claws or treat your calf injuries. Therefore, dogs are used to holding and manipulating their paws, which is also easy for veterinarians. The first step of

: let the dog sit on the

. Before learning to “stretch out their paws”, it is necessary to integrate the sitting posture perfectly, Like other exercises, when the


dog sits, it can lean on the other three legs to get the fourth leg. It is this posture that makes him more willing to obey your orders.

if he learns the correct sitting posture, please let him sit down.

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candy. Once your dog sits down, hold the candy in your hand. Put it under his nose and let him smell the food.

in most cases, the dog reaches for the candy with its claws and tries to open it. If you don’t, you have no reason to be discouraged. Be patient and you will find that he will eventually let his intuition speak.

step 3: congratulate him on

when he raises his claws. If he always raises his claws and tries to grab the candy in your hand, you have taken a big step. If not, when he draws a little claw and moves in this direction, congratulate him as soon as he has a chance. Pass him the candy and touch him.

repeat until he raises his paw and touches your hand. When he succeeds, congratulate him more warmly.

anyway, give him candy when he shows the required behavior.

also reads: how to learn commands from his dog?

then, when he puts his paw on your hand, attach the oral command: “paw”, “Claw” or “claw out”… It depends on you choosing a phrase that must remain unchanged throughout your life.

some dogs, especially the smallest dogs, sometimes tend to stick out two claws instead of one. In this case, push the other leg away and reward him only if he gives you only one leg

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