This dog goes further than the classic egg challenge, showing great dexterity

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Mr Biscuit the Border Collie doesn’t just keep an egg in its mouth without breaking it, like other dogs taking part in the egg challenge. His teacher posted a video showing him performing a whole sequence of actions.

Mr Biscuit lives with Kyle Shaw , his master, in Lacombe in the State of Louisiana (southern United States). The latter has created a Facebook page where he regularly posts videos of the dog , featuring tricks he has taught him.

One of them consisted, for the Border Collie , in taking up the “ egg challenge ”, but going a little further than the principle of this exercise which has become viral on the net. Kyle Shaw puts an egg on the ground, then the dog gently grabs it in the mouth without breaking it, before placing it on a base . Once the trick has been performed to perfection, he presses a bell placed near him.

The egg challenge is practiced by many dog owners around the world and the videos concerned are widely viewed and shared. Many of these quadrupeds are Labrador Retrievers or Golden Retrievers . Basically, these 2 breeds were specifically bred to fetch prey slaughtered by their master hunters, carrying them in the mouth without damaging them .

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However, many veterinarians have spoken out against this kind of challenge, warning in particular against the danger that raw egg represents for the health of animals. It is especially the raw egg white that poses a problem, because it attacks the dog’s biotin (vitamin B8), while the latter is essential for his skin and coat .

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