This dog turns into a helicopter when he has to jump over a barrier! (video)

Humor And Animals / Twitter

Maldwyn the dog suffers a little less from confinement than most of his fellows, since he lives in a fairly spacious rural property. He can therefore give free rein to his sporting skills, which he demonstrates in this funny video filmed by his owner.

While around the world, many pets can only go out briefly to respect the rules of confinement , the dog in question here, and whose feat is reported by the site Sputnik , takes advantage outdoors and flaunts his athleticism . This quadruped responds to the name of Maldwyn . He lives with in Merthyr Mawr , a village located in South Wales, about thirty kilometers west of the capital Cardiff .

Recently, he accompanied his owner, Helen Laura Morrey , and his 2 other dogs, Lurchers ( British Greyhounds ) like him, on a walk . The group arrived in front of a sort of fence one meter high. However, the latter was far from being an insurmountable obstacle for the talented Maldwyn .

The dog, in fact, crossed it without any difficulty, thanks to a leap that was at the same time impressive, full of elegance and amusing , because while jumping, he twirled his tail . A bit like a helicopter propeller .

His mistress, who encouraged him to jump , had the good idea to film him in action. His video has gone viral , relayed in particular by the Twitter account Humor And Animals . Here is the sequence in question, to allow you to admire the beautiful vertical trigger of Maldwyn, as well as the movement of his tail:

Read also: Kaiser, the heroic police dog stabbed several times, returns to service 2 months after the attack

that tail though ????
(helenlauramorrey IG)

– Humor And Animals (@humorandanimals) April 13, 2020

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