What are the rules for pet nannies?

The activities of Illustration : "Quelle est la réglementation soumise aux pet-sitters ?" and

pet nannies comply with many legal provisions, especially those in the rural code. Here, we are interested in the regulations governing this profession. Dog and various pet owners increasingly need its services. Pet sitting: the obligation of the regulated activity pet sitter. If the pet sitter is at home

, the pet sitter must take care of the pet in the absence of the pet owner. They must ensure their well-being through walking, care, feeding and activities. Therefore, professionals are responsible for animals and their customers. His commitment is moral, but his career is also regulated. What is

pet sitting: a regulated activity

pet sitting is a regulated activity. In order to engage in this work, some obligations must be fulfilled, such as holding a competency certificate.


more importantly, it is important to remember that pet nannies work within a clearly defined legal framework and have dual responsibilities; This means that a pet must be a trustworthy person who knows he can’t break the rules without any consequences.

in addition to the moral commitment and the obligation to provide all agreed services (walking, activities, meals, care, etc.), pet nannies must also comply with the legal provisions related to the occupation. ” “Receive suggestions from woopets by registering for a newsletter. I register your email address collected by woopets, allowing you to receive our news and business offers. Learn more about the obligations of pet nanny

. The occupation of pet nanny is one of the occupations described in article l214-6 of the rural code. It covers all activities of “management of animal shelters or shelters, breeding, commercial sale, transportation or care of dogs and cats, education, training and display to the public”. Anyone wishing to work as a pet nanny must report their activities to the population Protection Bureau (ddpp) of the Department where they plan to work.


must also obtain a competency certificate. More specifically, this is a pet species Competency Certificate (CCAD). It proves that the holder understands the biological, physiological, behavioral and nursing needs of the pet.

if the pet practices

at home, the pet can take care of the dog, The customer (pet owner) has a cat or any other pet in his home, but it can also be carried out in his own place.

can also be read: how does pet care work?

in this case, we deal with pension activities. However, the latter is subject to specific standards, which supplement the standards for pets in customers’ homes. “These health rules are set out in Annexes I and II of the order of

issued on April 3, 2014 under article r214-29 of the rural and marine fisheries law, Comfort and security required for pension activities. “

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