To save his dog, a man returns inside his burning house and then dies

Monday evening February 4, the ranch of the Crawford family ignites. The cause ? A propane heater. The flames quickly spread inside the home. All his guests leave unharmed. But the father of the family, after moving a vehicle, returns to his house in search of his dog, trapped in the flames. A father was found dead a few hours later, leaving behind his two children and his wife.

He died a hero! This moved Internet user sums up the thoughts of all those who today comment on the drama experienced by Sam Crawford . This resident of Orland in Maine (United States) did not survive the fire that ravaged his entire house. And which had as a starting point a simple radiator . In fact, he could have easily lived longer, and accompanied his two children, Lillian and Ella . But her stubbornness in saving her dog’s life was stronger than anything.

On this Monday, February 4, a fire broke out in his home, where he lived with his 2 children and his wife. There was also the presence of two guests aged 26 and 19 according to the authorities. A propane heater ignites after a few sparks . Very quickly, too quickly, the family ranch catches fire. According to witnesses, Sam is initially busy moving a skidder to place it near his immediate neighbor. Then, he returns inside the house to try to save his dog .

The inhabitants of Orland show solidarity

Hours go by without Sam giving any sign of life. “ His body was found in the rubble of the basement around 11:30 pm, ” announces soberly and sadly Steve McCausland , spokesperson for the state security displacement, in remarks taken up by Unilad. For its part, the dog has still not been found . The chances of seeing him alive again are slim.

Read also: A grandmother deemed too old to adopt a dog, receives a moving gift from her granddaughter (video)

The house is totally destroyed. On social networks, many people, like this resident of Orland , invite fellow citizens to be generous. “ The community of Ellsworth will allow them to pick up clothes, hygiene products and food, free of charge, as soon as they feel near. By them, the man means the two children and the wife of the deceased. They are also orphans of a dog that they will probably never see again.


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