What should we do when a dog bites?

Illustration : "Comment réagir face à un chien qui mord ?"

every dog may be bitten, but this is not systematic. Regardless of his race, gender, age and background. There are several factors that can explain your dog’s behavior. Why is that? Will he become dangerous? What should we do? All these questions have answers.

executive summary

understand the body language of biting dogs. Who will bite what to do when the factors that help to take action happen?

because the dog shows its teeth, there is never any comfort. Even if the bite is very short, it can be very serious. Therefore, it is never easy to know the correct attitude when this happens. However, it is important to ensure that this does not happen again, first to avoid further injury, but most importantly for the dog’s own interests. What did you do to get your partner to this point? Is this your fault? This apparently disturbing behavior reminds you. You really don’t know what to do.

let’s find out about the dog right away. When your dog has a good time, he may bite you. Just as it can bite other dogs. He didn’t think it was malicious. The important thing is not to punish him. You have to make a little scream to let him know that he crossed the line. Beating him will only create a sense of aggression at home. When a dog grows up, it may become dangerous.

understands that biting

is part of the dog’s instinct and natural movement. In a group, only the chief has the right to bite other dogs. There is nothing abnormal about this behavior; He just expressed a kind of uneasiness at some time. In fact, it is necessary to better understand dog bites to ensure that they do not happen again.

biting dogs are not necessarily worse or more aggressive than other dogs. In fact, bite is only a last resort in case of danger or discomfort. Our four legged friends usually prefer to avoid threatening or embarrassing things. Only when they have no other way to get rid of it will they take action.

may sometimes be a bite reflex. They happen after a clumsy gesture: trampling on the tail, pulling the ear, etc. usually, children will make these mistakes and be bitten.

decrypts that the dog’s body language is not a synonym for malice. There are many reasons why a dog bites another dog or person. Biting is the result of an aggressive act, which is divided into several stages:

is a simple threat. Your dog is growling. Her children huddled together. The hair stood up. He didn’t like the situation. He made him understand. Its purpose is to frighten yourself and not bite yourself. get some action. Your dog thinks threats are not enough. In order to gain understanding and strengthen his authority, he sometimes bites people. Signs of calm. Your dog comes to his injured “opponent” and tells him that it’s over. The delicate situation of

is caused by many reasons. The bite of


may be longer or shorter. In fact, it depends on the opponent’s reaction. Usually, if the dog moves backward, it will quickly regain its grip and leave. If it resists, it can maintain its grip, but this is not general. Many factors are related to the nature of bite: condition, dog education, possible past trauma… The consequences of


bite are also very different. The wound canThey are superficial and require only basic care because they can be very painful and profound and require emergency surgery. Receive suggestions from woopets by registering for a newsletter. I register your email address collected by woopets, allowing you to receive our news and business offers. Your dog just wants to play. This is the least serious and easiest to treat. He was excited and expressed it in his own way. The tail is moving, it will jump anywhere and bite you. When a puppy bites, its behavior is closer. Here, you must immediately stop all the games, let him know that you are injured, even if not, and then ignore your dog for a few minutes. Your dog is old and begins to have some joint pain. A child’s bad behavior towards him may awaken the pain and lead to bite. Passing through the pain area during combing will also cause this natural reaction of the dog. The main purpose of the dog is to tell you where it suffers. Your dog feels attacked. He’ll respond with an attack. We can’t find him. Your dog is in pain. You’d better put it aside until it calms down. Then comfort him. Your dog bites because of fear. It becomes uncontrollable and can be very dangerous to the person or dog in front of it. This is the most common attack, but it may be the least easy to stop. You should try to pull your dog to you instead of looking for it. You must keep a certain distance between the object he fears and him. Lack of social skills. Dogs are usually social animals. A turbulence in his life led to his lack of clarity about his position in life, which may bring him some fear. In order to show his existence, if he had the opportunity, he would bite people without hesitation. Social factors also appear when your dog bites a cyclist or jogger. Related to his education, this is also your dog’s predatory instinct, so it has the upper hand. Redirect attack. The reason why your dog can’t bite is the root of its discomfort. Therefore, he will attack a nearby third party. Instrumental aggression. This is a unique example, because we are facing a dog that has evolved under constant pressure. He was trained to bite so that his voice could be heard. So he stopped threatening. He acted directly. What happens when it happens?

since prevention is always better than treatment, it is recommended that you take measures to prevent the occurrence or recurrence of bites.

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It is not uncommon for a bite to question the dog’s hierarchical status in the family group. Positive reinforcement always produces better results. This is a long-term job. It takes a long time for the dog to return to its original state and be comforted in the position of the owner.

also reads: why is my dog very aggressive to the postman?

When the dog sends the above signals, it is more likely to avoid the next bite by respecting the dog more. If a person becomes aggressive when touching his game console, push him into a corner, touch his head, or pull him out of his sleep, you can’t do that anymore. Every situation that may trouble him should be avoided.

when the bite becomes repeated, the dog’s attitude is alwaysGressive needs the help of a canine educator / behaviorist. Then he will receive re education. A biting dog is not doomed as many people think. Instead, biting dogs can be retrained. It then decrypts your dog’s behavior and looks for the source of the attack. He will solve this problem in the most appropriate way to restore his confidence. “

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