What solution for our pets to the stress of going on vacation?

Illustration : "Quelle solution pour nos animaux de compagnie face au stress du départ en vacances ?" Illustration photo

Holidays are synonymous with relaxation and moments of family fun, but they also bring their share of stress for our pets. It is essential to help them overcome these difficulties.”

It is well known that our pets have their habits and landmarks. If the latter were to be disturbed, it would cause them stress. This stress has lasting consequences on the well-being and health of the animal. Among the situations likely to disturb him, going on vacation is feared in more ways than one. From the preparations to the finish, through the journey, all the steps are likely to put the nerves and the organism of our companions to the test. How can we help them live through this painful moment when it is supposed to be pleasant and friendly?”

” The departure on vacation, a moment of stress for the pet

Loud and sudden noises, moving and arrival of a new member in the family (birth of a child or adoption of another animal) are some of the stressful events for the cat or dog. The departure on holiday too, while its impact on the animal is too often underestimated.”

The effects are palpable even before departure. The excitement and restlessness associated with the preparations can disturb him. The same goes for the journey, whether by car, train or plane. Then, when he arrives at his destination, he is likely to feel confused by finding himself in an environment that is totally foreign to him. In addition, his habits and schedules are upset.”

Subjected to the stress of going on vacation, the animal expresses it in different ways. This can range from dejected posture to great nervousness, repeated yawning, digestive disorders (vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite) and heart. In some cases, he can also have cleanliness accidents (emotional urination) and suffer from dermatological problems (pruritus, atopic dermatitis …).”

” What solution for the stressed animal?

Why let your 4-legged friend suffer like this when it is possible to relieve him effectively and naturally?”

This is, in fact, what Zylkène offers, a solution of natural origin that helps the animal to overcome unusual situations.”

Zylkène helps the animal to gently overcome these moments that are delicate for him and his family.”

How can Zylkene soothe the cat or dog?

Zylkene bases its action on alpha-cazosepine, a 100% natural molecule that, in infants, is secreted after feeding from a protein present in breast milk. By studying it, the scientists discovered that this alpha-cazosepine allowed the baby to relax after his meal.”

” How to use it?

It is therefore the soothing and relaxing effect of this molecule that is used with Zylkene, to ensure that the cat or dog is relaxed when approaching or during a stressful event.”

The dietary supplement comes in the form of capsules containing powder, which simplifies its use. It is enough, in fact, to open the capsule and pour the contents into the animal’s meal.”

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For optimal efficiency, it is recommended to give him Zylkène the day before or the day before the departure on vacation, as well as on D-Day and possibly the next day. Soothed, the animal can thus better experience all these changes and experience a really pleasant stay.”

Distributed in France for 15 years, Zylkène is reordered by more than 80% of veterinarians. To find out more, visit the Zylkène website.”

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