10 domestic causes responsible for accidental poisoning of your dog

By trying to satisfy his curiosity or his desire for a taste of everything, a dog can put his health at risk. Some products around us are poisons for them.

As owners, we must ensure the safety of our dogs. Many dangers threaten them, whether at home or outside, during walks. In particular, they risk being poisoned by various substances.

Here are 10 of the reasons for accidental poisonings that dogs are exposed to …

1. Rat poisons

2. Chocolate

Chocolate is one of humans’ favorite treats, but it certainly shouldn’t be given to dogs. It contains theobromine, which affects the nervous system, heart and blood circulation in our canine friends. In the event of ingestion, various symptoms may appear: increased heart rate, vomiting, muscle tremors, etc. This can lead to death, depending on the quantity consumed, the state of health of the animal, etc.

3. Medication

Medicines that are taken should never be left within the reach of dogs. The latter can be in great danger if they were to absorb them. Ibuprofen, naproxen (anti-inflammatory), antidepressants, baclofen (muscle relaxant) or even contraceptive pills are some of the treatments commonly encountered in our homes and which are likely to poison our pets.

4. Poisonous plants

Some plants can be toxic to dogs. Acacia, arum, ficus, oleander, anemone, hydrangea, hyacinth or cyclamen are among them. To prevent accidents, it is recommended to keep your dog on a leash when walking in places where such varieties are likely to grow and to ensure that your garden does not contain any.

5. Toads

In some varieties of toads, glands called parotids and lining the animal’s skin can release venom if it feels unsafe. A dog who had the bad idea to annoy one of these amphibians would then risk suffering a serious, even fatal, crisis. He must be taken to the vet without delay.

6. Insecticides

The chemical active ingredients contained in insecticides of all kinds (domestic, agricultural, etc.) can cause more or less serious symptoms in dogs: vomiting, loss of appetite, dilated pupils, increased heart rate, respiratory problems, etc. is important to ensure that these products are not accessible to dogs.

7. Heavy metals

Polluted air, a paint pot lying around… Heavy metals can be found anywhere around us and our dogs. They are particularly toxic to the latter and can lead to serious diseases affecting the respiratory system, kidneys, etc.

8. Antifreeze

Antifreeze products found in mechanical and automotive parts in particular are formidable poisons for dogs if they come into contact with them. Substances that may be present in the garage, for example, or on the road.

9. Household products

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The products we use for daily maintenance and cleaning are also dangerous for our dogs. They may contain methanol, ethylene glycol or even bleach, which are highly toxic.

10. Slug killers

Some products used against slugs are harmful to dogs. Témik is one of the most feared, but its use has been banned in France since 2003. Unfortunately, it is still implicated in cases of poisoning of pets today.


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