12 photos showcasing the special charm of a Chinese Crested Dog

If he has many fans on Instagram, it is no coincidence. Jyrki is a charming dog who readily lends itself to the photo game.

The canine has a special charm to which people who know the breed are very sensitive. The Chinese Crested Dog is less well known than other canine varieties. It can be recognized in particular by the virtual absence of hair on most of the body, with the exception of the head, lower legs and tail.

Jyrki is entitled to his own Instagram account, where his adventures are followed by nearly 1,300 followers. He shares the spotlight with Pashka , a 4-year-old Yorkshire Terrier.

Here are 12 photos of Jyrki , the Chinese Crested Dog who does not lack elegance …

1. Jyrki has the target in sight, in this case the ball, and his whole body is ready for the interception, including his tongue.

2. Here again, Jyrki in what he does best: sticking his tongue out

3. He loves to taunt anyone who crosses his gaze

4. This Chinese Crested Dog also knows how to give voice when he has something to say.

5. A very enticing smell seems to interest him to the highest point

6. Jyrki doesn’t really like to be disturbed during his naps

7. Some things puzzled him, starting with the sun’s rays

8. Which does not prevent him from enjoying sunbathing, precisely

9. Jyrki is particularly photogenic and he gives the impression of knowing it

10. He is constantly making new friends

To read also: Her dog disappeared in 2014. 7 years later, she received incredible news

11. Her best friend will always be Yana Kosinova.

12. The bond between the young woman and her dog is a pure marvel


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