15 photos illustrating the simple happiness of dogs

A swim, a tennis ball, a sunset… Dogs have the gift of savoring all these little moments of pure happiness available to them. These images are the most beautiful illustrations.

You learn so much from living with and observing dogs. You just have to be a little attentive to realize that they are continually offering us valuable lessons, especially on life. Our 4-legged friends teach us, in their own way, that happiness often comes down to the simplest things.

It takes little for dogs to be happy, and they remind us of this every day.

Here are, in fact, 15 photos showing that dogs know how to take advantage of the small, simple pleasures of life.

1. Contemplate the sunset by a lake and with those you love, it is priceless

2. The chosen background perfectly illustrates the happiness he feels when his favorite plush accompanies him.

3. He wouldn’t change places for the world!

4. For him, happiness comes down to a stuffed donut

5. Car trips with her best friend are what this bitch prefers

6. He is never as happy as when he is in the presence of children and sees them having fun.

7. This Border Collie sees a waterfall for the first time in his life and he has become totally addicted to it

8. Running on a pile of grass puts him in a true state of ecstasy

9. This Bull Terrier has only one obsession, it is to run

10. These Dobermanns are in heaven when they have the opportunity to take car rides

11. His favorite activity is to run and jump in all directions

12. As soon as there is a little mud, he jumps at the chance

13. For this Labrador Retriever, happiness lies in swimming

Read also: A service dog takes care of its owner by performing daily chores

14. For his 2 friends, on the other hand, it is rather the rolls on the grass

15. A tennis ball that he would not trade for any other


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