16 reasons why we love the Australian Shepherd

The list of reasons we love Australian Shepherds never ends. These photos illustrate just a few.

Australian Shepherds are beautiful dogs with beautifully composed coats and bright eyes. Very popular, they are intelligent, sociable and affectionate. They have a lot of love for children and love to play. For these reasons and many more, Aussies win everyone’s hearts.

Here are 16 photos that illustrate the good reasons to adopt an Australian Shepherd.

1. They are brave and faithful companions who are always there for their families.

2. They are so irresistible that once you adopt one, you move on to the second and then to the third

3. They have a habit of chewing on anything that falls under their muzzle when they are bored.

4. They also look much too touching when they are guilty.

5. You no longer risk forgetting the time of their meal, because they will come to remind you after only one minute of delay.

6. They are suspicious of the new one who gets in the car with you until he passes the confidence test.

7. They do not skimp on the expressions of affection towards the members of their family.

8. When they play, they always have their mouths open.

9. They never run out of energy

10. They like going out to sea

11. They are very agile and athletic

12. Their behind is a big ball of fur

13. They tilt their heads very often and become even more crisp.

14. They are beautiful and you can’t help but want to play with them

Also read: This 7-year-old bitch, saved from wandering, spent more than a year in a shelter without ever being adopted

15. This puppy is cute with his merle coat and blue eyes.

16. Australian Shepherd puppies are absolutely crisp


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