17 photos dog lovers absolutely must check out!

Pictures of canines in hilarious situations are always popular with dog lovers. Like those present in this selection.

Homes that shelter dogs are the scene of laughing scenes every day. Their owners will be able to witness the hilarious silly things their pets do. Situations that will be equally appreciated by dog lovers.

Here are 17 photos of dogs for enthusiasts.

1. The ransacking of the bathroom could have been stopped before all the shampoos were spilled all over the floor.

2. His friend doesn’t seem to want to help him out and get him out of his comic situation

3. Dogs do not understand the use of every object on the first try

4. The gaze of 2 totally innocent dogs who have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of

5. These Whippet dogs respect the line not to cross and stay out of the kitchen even if they really want to enter.

6. This is called ostrich even if you are a Pug

7. He will not let go of his Frisbee even if he has a little emergency.

8. This dog is not in distress, he is quietly lying in a hole

9. This dog was starting to behave strangely and was taken to the vet , who found he was high from the compost.

10. A dog totally absorbed by a documentary on ducks on TV

11. A Husky in the midst of an existential crisis, lying on the floor in the bathroom

12. A toothless bitch adopted from a shelter, who never sticks her tongue in

13. A yoga posture, unknown to mankind

14. This dog makes this face when he intends to bark

15. The dog who liked to spy on the comings and goings of neighbors

Read also: This dog suffering from physical deformities and other diseases overcomes many daily challenges with the support of his family

16. This Husky starts walking on walls when he gets angry

17. All the toys they thought were missing were found under their beds.


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