2 coast guard units mobilized to rescue a dog lost for 2 days and stuck under a cliff

Not found for 2 days, a dog found himself in a bad posture under a cliff, before being spotted by walkers. Sent to the scene, 2 local coastguard teams mounted a delicate rescue operation.

The South West England Coast Guard rescued a dog stuck on the coastline that had been lost for 2 days, Devon Live reported on Sunday 8 August.

The disappearance of the canine in question had been reported by its owners the day before in the Hope Cove / Bolberry area in Devon County. They had no more news of the animal until yesterday; he had been seen in distress by walkers, who immediately alerted the emergency services.

2 rescue teams from the local coastguard were dispatched to the scene, those from Bigbury on Se a and Prawle Point in this case. Rescuers were able to quickly pinpoint its location. The quadruped was trapped halfway up the cliff at Bolt Tail , a natural headland southwest of Hope Cove in the South Mas district .

The dog out of danger and back to his masters

The intervention was complex, but it went perfectly. The dog was recovered unharmed and returned to his family after being rehydrated. This is what Drew Parkinson , commander of the region’s coastguard said in a tweet.

He also reminded dog owners of the importance of keeping dogs on a leash when walking near the cliffs to keep them safe. He asks them, moreover, not to intervene themselves in the event of an incident of this kind, because they would put themselves in danger, but rather to prevent the emergency services.


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