230 animals held in despicable conditions found in a house in Belgium

The volunteers who intervened in an overcrowded animal house in the Belgian province of East Flanders were genuinely shocked by what they found there. Crammed by dozens into cages or dark and unsanitary rooms, sick, malnourished and parasitic dogs, cats, birds, chickens, ducks, rabbits and rodents were waiting to be rescued.

More than 230 animals were evacuated and seized from a house in Ronse , in the Flemish region, as reported by RTL.be this Thursday, June 24.

That morning, several animal protection associations went to the scene, after reports received by the authorities from the neighborhood. The teams from Vzw The Lucky Stars , Animals in Peril , Help Animals , Bunny Tails and Rambi have joined forces to take care of neglected animals. The Tabula Rasa and Silence Animal shelters also participated in their rescue by welcoming a number of them.

The volunteers were horrified by the conditions in which lived the 3 dogs, 11 cats, 62 chickens, 3 ducks, about 40 rabbits, 21 guinea pigs, 14 rats, 5 hamsters, but also 59 birds (53 parakeets, 3 cockatiels and 3 lovebirds).

Animals in Danger

The hens were locked in a dark and completely unsanitary outdoor shelter, on the ground strewn with droppings. In the cages were piled up rabbits, rats, guinea pigs and birds. In the house, dogs and cats moved among other animals, in deplorable hygienic conditions.

Animals in Danger

Read also: A dog abandoned and shunned for adoption for 17 months has become the mascot of a school

Homeowners interviewed by the police

The animals suffer from parasitoses, infections and various diseases, favored by the lack of care, the undernourishment and the dirtiness of the places. One of the hens had her eyes so severely infected that she had to be euthanized.

All the animals are examined by veterinarians and have been transferred to the various associations’ shelters, where they receive care and attention.

The owners are to be heard this Friday by the police.


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