Couple abandons vacation to help stray dog on uninhabited island, find foster family

After a hurricane passed, a dog found herself trapped on a small deserted and inhospitable island. Holidaymakers realized this and appealed to a local association to help him.

Hurricane Laura had hit Louisiana hard in the southern United States. 3 weeks after the disaster, a couple in their vacation home noticed a dog in distress . The latter was on an uninhabited island , opposite their property. Surrounded on all sides by the waters, she had nowhere to go.

Vacationers then launched a call for help on Facebook . A publication spotted by Aja-Nikiya Estro , founder of Compassion Kind . The young woman and her partners in the association gave up everything to rescue the animal. They boarded a boat and reached the island.

From the moment they arrived, the volunteers could see how difficult it could be to survive . There was only brush , no real shelter or source of food. The bitch appeared, but she was too scared to be approached .

The team then left a trap cage with food inside. After half an hour, the one they called Marsha still hadn’t entered. Aja-Nikiya Estro decided to go alone, a bag of kibble in hand.

She crouched down and started talking to the dog to reassure her and encourage her to come towards her . His patience paid off. Marsha ate some croquettes in the palm of her hand . Aja-Nikiya Estro was thus able to carry her and take her on the boat .

Marsha spent several weeks on the premises of the association receiving treatment and regaining weight . No one came to claim her, and she was not wearing an ID chip or collar .

Entrusted to a foster family , the dog has regained all her joie de vivre . She played with her fellows and kept wagging her tail .

Compassion Kind is now looking for adopters for Marsha .

Here is a video retracing all the stages of the rescue of the bitch, posted by The Dodo :

Read also: To help her dog fight her anxiety, she decides to adopt a kitten


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