10 questions to ask yourself to know if it’s the right time to adopt a second dog in your household

Before adopting a second dog, certain questions must be asked and answered. These few points can help you decide.

When you own a dog, adopting a second can be a perfectly reasonable option or a bad idea. It depends on many points which are of different kinds, both financial and practical.

Here are 10 questions to ask yourself before adopting a second dog.

1. Am I financially able to take care of 2 dogs?

The financial aspect is very important because by adopting a second dog, you double the veterinary costs, care, food and insurance costs.

If your wallet allows you to properly care for a dog, we can move on to the next question.

2. How will my dog experience this?

It is very important to ask yourself how your dog will experience this new arrival.

Is your dog used to being the only darling in the family? So he may feel annoyed or jealous to see another coming. Nothing says he’ll be happy to have a mate except your knowledge of his personality.

3. Which breed would get along best with my dog?

Depending on the breed and personality of the dog, it is possible to determine what would be a better choice for adoption.

The advice of your veterinarian will be of great help to you.

4. The sex of the animal

Experts tend to recommend adopting a dog of the opposite sex to the one you already own.

This would prevent jealousy although it could just as well happen that 2 dogs of the same sex get along.

5. Should I adopt a puppy or an adult dog?

A puppy requires a lot of attention and effort in its education.

If you own an elderly or sick dog and don’t think you have the time to educate a puppy, prefer an adult dog, who would be less likely to push him around.

6. Will a second dog have the space he needs to live well?

It’s not so much about having a big house as being able to give each dog the space they need to sleep, eat and live comfortably.

On the other hand, a dog who takes daily walks and who exerts himself every day is a dog who will not suffer from living in an apartment.

7. Will you have enough time to give them?

While the 2 dogs are having fun together, they will continue to need your presence.

In this case, the new dog will require more attention to help him settle down and take his bearings. The dog who was already there shouldn’t feel neglected either.

8. Will you be able to properly train the new dog?

One dog will imitate the other, so if the first has not yet completed his education, learning the second will not be easy.

As strong as the temptation to adopt a second dog is, if an honest answer to this question is no, it is best not to do so.

9. What is the opinion of the rest of your family?

To read also: The warm and united welcome of the residents given to the only puppy of a refuge (video)

As strong as the understanding between you and your dogs is, as well as the understanding between them 2, the opinion of the family is just as important.

Thus, we must ensure that all those who live under the same roof agree to such a change and be willing to lavish their benevolence on dogs in the event of a problem.

10. How will this affect your life?

By adopting a second dog, we double the games, the joys and the affection. But you have to be able to plan your life according to the responsibilities that this implies.


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