Which breed of dog to choose ?

Thinking of adopting or buying a dog and wondering which breed to choose? It is true that you will be spoiled for choice, the number of canine breeds recognized by the FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale) being 346 to date. Let’s see together the aspects to study closely to know which breed of dog to choose.

All breeds themselves have varieties depending on the length or texture of the coat (eg Dachshund , Collie …), or sizes (eg: Poodle , German Spitz …).

The choice of the breed of the dog called to be part of your family will have to be made mainly according to its compatibility with your own specificities . In other words, his profile (physical characteristics, behavioral traits, specific needs, etc.) must correspond to your lifestyle and what you will be able to provide on a daily basis.

The questions to ask yourself when choosing the breed of your dog will therefore relate to:

  • Your family situation
  • Your lifestyle
  • The time you can devote to it
  • The resources you can allocate to it

Choose the dog breed according to the family situation

Which breed of dog to choose depending on whether you live alone , whether you are old or have children ? This is indeed one of the first questions to be answered.

Certain breeds of dogs are particularly suited to the youngest members of the family, such as the Labrador Retriever , the Golden Retriever , the Boxer , the Pug , the Beagle or the Boston Terrier .

Others are not specially adapted to seniors, like the Siberian Husky , the Tibetan Mastiff or the Tosa for various reasons; respectively the great need in activity, the size and the dominant behavior. Older people will be able to turn to breeds of dogs that are calmer and easier to handle: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel , Bichon Maltais , German Spitz …

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Which breed of dog to choose according to the lifestyle?

The choice of the breed of the dog is also made according to the lifestyle that one has. If you are the active , or even sporty, type, working and hunting dogs will be perfect for you: they range from German Shepherds to Border Collies , including Doberman , Belgian Malinois , Jack Russell Terrier and even Kelpie. .

If, on the other hand, you know that you will not be able to offer him a lot of daily activity, you can choose the English Bulldog , the Shih Tzu or the Pug.

The way of life also includes the characteristics of your home : surface area , presence or absence of outdoor spaces , etc.

An Anatolian Shepherd , for example, does not support apartment life, while the Pekingese lends itself completely to it.

To guide you as best as possible in your choice, we advise you to carry out our free and personalized breed test. A series of a few questions to find out your habits and your expectations, which will allow us to find the breed (s) of dogs that suit you. The test only takes a few minutes.

How much time can I devote to it?

A dog is not an animal that is left alone in its corner and with which contact is limited to meals and walks. He needs to have a maximum of exchanges and interactions with his master and the other members of his family, through games, caresses, learning and educational exercises, activities carried out. together, etc.

All of this takes time on a daily basis. So ask yourself how much time you can devote every day to your future 4-legged companion before choosing a particular breed.

Read also: Famous dogs and their breeds

Is my budget suitable for adopting and fostering a dog?

Caring for a dog properly costs money . Keep this in mind when choosing the breed of your pet, by evaluating the budget that you will be able to grant him for the various aspects of his life: accessories , food , safety , veterinary care , etc.

Generally, larger dogs are associated with greater expenses, logically. They need larger quantities of food and larger accessories (bedding, harness, kennel …). But some small dogs also require significant financial resources, especially because they need more frequent grooming and care. Remember that you can adopt a dog for free in the Adoption section of Woopets. </p

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