
Other names: Miniature Schnauzer, Medium Schnauzer, Giant Schnauzer

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There are 3 varieties of Schnauzers: the Miniature Schnauzer, the Medium Schnauzer and the Giant Schnauzer. Robust and collected, this dog exudes a certain elegance at the same time as a resolute, sometimes severe air. This is bestowed on him by his beard and bushy eyebrows, characteristic of the Schnauzer type. In any case, it is an adorable companion dog that has all the qualities of a guard dog. He is gentle, docile, considerate, loyal and non-aggressive. It will make a whole family happy, especially since it enjoys iron health and fairly simple maintenance. A very good choice.

Photo: Schnauzer breed dog on Woopets

Hypoallergenic breed Hypoallergenic breed

Hair type Short
Origin Germany
Template Average
Head shape Long
Weight and size
Sex Weight Cut
Female From 15 kg to 20 kg From 45 cm to 50 cm
Male From 15 kg to 20 kg From 45 cm to 50 cm
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History of the breed

The Schnauzer find its origin in Austrian Tyrol, southern Germany. He comes straight down from the Burrow, which was created for hunting. Subsequently, the Schnauzer was designed to become a guard and defense dog. He accompanied the coachmen and lived in the stables with the horses. He did not hesitate to chase away rodents that ventured too close to him. It owes its name to its characteristic muzzle, beard and mustache.

At the end of the 19th century, its name was still haired Pinscher. Then, he gradually took the name Schnauzer. During the 2 World Wars, he served as a guard of the prison camps. He was recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale on July 13, 1955.

Schnauzer Pictures

Photo of Thaïs, SchnauzerPhoto of Pitchounette, SchnauzerPhoto of Cindy, SchnauzerPhoto of Easy top, SchnauzerPhoto of Bella, SchnauzerPhoto of Eliott, Schnauzer

See all Schnauzer photos from Woopets members

Physical features

His coat: hard, quite short (not too much), well supplied, lying down, neither bristling nor wavy, with a dense undercoat. The outer coat is quite long.
Its color: unicolour (black, silvery black), two-tone (pepper and salt) or pure white with white undercoat.
His head: long and strong, in accordance with the power of the dog, with a flat forehead, not wrinkled and parallel to the muzzle.
His ears: V-shaped, folded, hanging, set high and carried symmetrically, carried forward.
Her eyes: slightly concealed by her bushy eyebrows, medium in size, oval, dark in color and lively expression.
His body: writable in a square (the length of the body is very close to the height at the withers). Top line descending slightly to the rear, back strong and short, loins short, chest moderately broad.
Its tail: ideally saber or sickle.

Behavior and character

Barks / howls

Behavior with others

Cohabitation with children
Sociable with other animals
Love strangers

The Schnauzer has a lively demeanor. He is also naturally jovial . You always need proof of your good nature . Despite everything, he remains a calm dog, gentle and very attached to his master as well as to his adoptive family. He loves children and will never hesitate to play with them. He will watch and protect them since he is above all a guard dog. He never barks for nothing. The Schnauzer has a strong character . He will be suspicious of a stranger who comes too close to his home. He is loyal and devoted to his master.

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By virtue of his strong character, the Schnauzer must be educated in a firm manner . He must quickly integrate the limits not to be exceeded with his master , his entourage and his congeners. He can’t stand the brutal method. Rather, he is a supporter of complicity with his master.

The Giant Schnauzer and the medium-sized one tend to want to be dominant. It will be important to establish a clear and precise hierarchy from an early age. However, the Schnauzer is an easily educated dog. He is dedicated to the task and wants to please his master

Living conditions

Suitable for apartment living
Good for new masters
Love it hot
Love the cold

The Schnauzer is a dog compatible with all lifestyles as long as it receives sufficient attention and care from its owner. He adapts perfectly to apartment life as long as he enjoys his outings and exercises frequently. The Miniature Schnauzer and the Average Schnauzer are obviously more comfortable in an apartment than the Giant Schnauzer. He would prefer, of course, to be able to enjoy a fenced garden to stay active and live with a sporty and available master. However, if he has an apartment, it must be left at least twice a day. He must be able to exert himself and be active.


Ease of gaining weight

Rustic and resistant, the Schnauzer has little fear of climatic conditions . On the other hand, there are certain diseases to watch out for in this dog, including eye diseases, urinary diseases and hypothyroidism .

Hypoallergenic breed


Litter size

Between 4 and 8 puppies

To protect yourself from these risks and insure your companion in the event of health problems, Woopets recommends a Schnauzer dog insurance .

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Life expectancy

Minimum: 12 years old

Maximum: 14 years

The life expectancy of a Schnauzer is, on average, between 12 years and 14 years.

Calculate the human age of your Schnauzer!

To choose… 1 year 2 years 3 years Four years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years 11 years old 12 years 13 years 14 years old 15 years old 16 years old 17 years 18 years old 19 years old 20 years 21 years old

Maintenance and hygiene

Ease of maintenance
Cost of maintenance
Hair loss
Drool level
Ease of grooming

The Schnauzer is a dog that does not shed . It requires regular maintenance , both for its hard-textured coat and for the eyes and ears . These should be examined frequently to prevent illnesses.

It is recommended to brush it every day . Grooming acts may be necessary, such as hair removal and hair removal on certain parts of the body , especially in white subjects intended for exposure.

Price and budget

Purchase price

800 €
1300 €

The purchase price of a Schnauzer is between 800 € and 1300 €.

Annual maintenance cost

€ 1,100
1200 €

The annual maintenance cost of a Schnauzer is between € 1,100 and € 1,200.

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The Schnauzer can eat like a human. Indeed, its diet can consist of meats, rice, pasta and fresh vegetables. Its ration is to be measured according to its daily energy expenditure as well as its morphology. Do not hesitate to approach a veterinarian so as not to make any mistakes.

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Physical activity

Energy level
Potential to play

The Schnauzer is a rather sporty dog. He therefore cannot do without his long daily walks , even more if he lives in an apartment. He must go out at least twice a day for long walks. He inherited a hunter’s vocation from his ancestors, which leads him to always seek activity.


Master character <span class="btnTooltip qTip2" title="- Calm: the master must be gentle and know how to show patience.
– Active: the owner must be energetic and dynamic to live in harmony with his dog.
– Hyperactive: the owner must be stimulating and very restless to suit the temperament of his dog.”>

FCI Information



FCI Group

Group 2: Pinscher and Schnauzer – Molossoid and Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs and other breeds

Recognized by FCI

Since 1955


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