Thai dog

Other names: Thai Ridgeback Dog, Thai Ridgeback Dog

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The Thai Dog is a medium-sized dog, robust, with well-developed musculature and whose back is covered with an ear of hair forming a crest. The powerfully and harmoniously constructed body of the Thai Crested Dog is built for work, especially hunting. Its gait is flexible and loose, without the limbs being fully extended, nor rolling or rocking movement of the body.



Photo: dog breed Thai dog on Woopets
Hair type Short
Origin Thailand
Template Average
Head shape Long
Weight and size
Sex Weight Cut
Female From 23 kg to 25 kg From 51 cm to 56 cm
Male From 23 kg to 25 kg From 56 cm to 61 cm
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History of the breed

the   Thai dog   corresponds to a very old canine breed , its presence being attested at least 360 years ago. It was found more in the eastern regions of present-day Thailand. In addition to hunting , the Thai Crested Dog also provided protection for tanks and dwellings. The breed has only been altered very little by breeding, having retained a very large part of its original specificities.

Physical features

His hair: short, smooth, forming a well-defined crest on the back, growing in the opposite direction to the rest of the hair.
Its color: uniform and unicoloured red (preferably with black mask), black, blue, light fawn.
His head: the skull is slightly rounded, flat between the ears when seen in profile. The forehead has wrinkles when he is attentive. The stop is clearly defined but moderate. The nose is black (bluish in blue dogs), the muzzle straight and long, the muzzle in the form of a wedge, the lips tight and well colored, the jaws strong and articulated in scissors.
His ears: triangular in shape, medium in size, set on either side of the skull, erect and tilted forward.
His eyes: medium in size, almond-shaped, dark brown in color, even amber in blue-coated dogs.
Its body: writable in a rectangle, the length being slightly greater than the height at the withers. The back is straight and robust, the loins strong and broad, the croup slightly sloping, the chest down to the elbows, the ribs well sprung but not barrel-shaped and the belly well pulled up.
Its tail: strong at its root, tapering towards its end, carried vertically and moderately curved.

Behavior and character

Barks / howls

Behavior with others

Cohabitation with children
Sociable with other animals
Love strangers

the   Thai dog is an active and resilient dog . He is particularly gifted for hunting where he is very skilled, especially when he has to jump. An excellent companion for the whole family, the Thai Dog is extremely loyal and is a good guardian.

The Thai Dog
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The Thai Crested Dog requires a firm education , but without brutality or balance of power. It also calls for early and quality socialization . His intelligence, as well as his desire to work and to please his master make his learning easier.

Living conditions

Suitable for apartment living
Good for new masters
Love it hot
Love the cold

the   Thai dog   ridgeback is aimed at experienced and available masters , having the capacity to ensure a good education and to offer him enough activities on a daily basis. He can adapt to apartment and city life in general, but he will prefer to enjoy a large space , such as a large fenced garden.


Ease of gaining weight

the   Thai dog   is a rustic, robust and resistant dog. It simply needs to be sheltered from extreme cold and bad weather. There is no predisposition to a particular disease in the Thai Ridgeback dog breed.

Hypoallergenic breed


Litter size

Between 4 and 5 puppies

Major concerns
Hip dysplasia
Dermoid sinus

To protect you from these risks and insure your companion in the event of health problems, Woopets recommends dog insurance for Thai dogs .

function showAssuranceForm () {var siteReferer = var id_race_association = ”; //console.log(id_race_association);success: function (html) {}});}document.addEventListener (‘DOMContentLoaded’, () => {$ (‘# assuranceModalBanner’). on (‘’, function (event) {showAssuranceForm ();});});

Life expectancy

Minimum: 12 years old

Maximum: 14 years

The life expectancy of a Thai Dog is, on average, between 12 years and 14 years.

Calculate the human age of your Thai dog!

To choose… 1 year 2 years 3 years Four years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years 11 years old 12 years 13 years 14 years old 15 years old 16 years old 17 years 18 years old 19 years old 20 years 21 years old

Maintenance and hygiene

Ease of maintenance
Cost of maintenance
Hair loss
Drool level
Ease of grooming

the   Thai Ridgeback dog is a very simple dog to maintain. He only asks for regular care. It loses very little hair.

It is recommended to brush the dog once a week to ensure the cleanliness and beauty of his coat. Its hair, ears and pads should be examined after each outing in the natural environment in order to detect and remove any parasites or debris likely to lodge there.

His teeth need to be brushed frequently to remove tartar build-up and the proliferation of bacteria. Finally, if they do not wear out naturally, its claws need to be cut. If you are new to this, it is recommended that you seek advice from a veterinarian or groomer.

Price and budget

Purchase price

€ 1300
1500 €

The purchase price of a Thai Dog is between 1300 € and 1500 €.

Annual maintenance cost

€ 450
650 €

The annual maintenance cost of a Thai Dog is between 450 € and 650 €.

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The Thai Dog needs a high quality diet , adapted to his level of physical activity, his age and his size. Its food is to be divided into 2 meals per day .

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Physical activity

Energy level
Potential to play

the   Thai dog being very active, it needs long and frequent outings . His walks are to be complemented with exercises and games allowing him to exercise and be stimulated.


Classifications & Standards
(FCI) Fédération Cynologique Internationale
(AKC) American Kennel Club
(UKC) United Kennel Club


Master character <span class="btnTooltip qTip2" title="- Calm: the master must be gentle and know how to show patience.
– Active: the owner must be energetic and dynamic to live in harmony with his dog.
– Hyperactive: the owner must be stimulating and very restless to suit the temperament of his dog.”>

We talk on the forum

bam the dog now bam the dog’s revenge

Message from angeacorne

Amazing – a dog saves another dog

Message from Joo

My dog has doggy breath!

Message from Jérôme Bernier

My dog got into a fight with another dog and he got hurt …

Message from Nicole

How to train your dog to be a truffle dog

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FCI Information



FCI Group

Group 5: Spitz-type and primitive-type dogs

Recognized by FCI

Since 2003


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