A dog bites a policeman during the arrest of his master

Illustrative photo

In the Landes, municipal police officers were arresting an individual who was in possession of drugs, when one of them was bitten by his dog. The man, in his fifties, was taken into custody. The injured policeman was prescribed 2 days of ITT.

As reported by France Bleu , an inhabitant of Dax (40) must be presented to justice today as part of an immediate appearance , because his dog bit a municipal police officer .

The man in question, aged 50, was taken into custody yesterday Tuesday (March 10, 2020) at the police station in the Landes city. The facts with which he is accused took place on Friday February 28 in the city center.

That day, the municipal police officers checked the person concerned, because he had already been in trouble with the law in the past. The defendant would then have started to insult them . Then the city officials realized that he was in possession of a small amount of drugs . They were then preparing to challenge him when the Dacquois dog, who was not on a leash , attacked one of them, biting him in the thigh. An injury which caused the agent 2 days of total incapacity for work .

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The breed of the biting dog has not been specified. It is also not known what happened to it, but in such a case the animal is usually removed from its owner, impounded and under veterinary supervision for behavioral evaluation . In the event that the dog is deemed to represent a serious and immediate danger, the mayor may request its euthanasia.

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