A dog discovered with a cut tongue in a street. 3 months later, he is at a turning point in his life!

The victim of an act of unnamed cruelty, a dog managed to recover thanks to the efforts and love of the volunteers, as well as his foster mother. He is now ready to be adopted. The association that saved him is looking for the ideal family for this friendly and affectionate canine.

Heart , a stray dog found injured and with a cut tongue, has made it back up perfectly and is now up for adoption. A story reported by People this Wednesday, June 30.

Last April, a passerby made a terrible discovery in one of the streets of Philadelphia , Pennsylvania. A dog, who appeared to be totally disoriented, was staggering and was injured in various parts of the body. Blood was also flowing from his mouth. The person immediately took him to the shelter of the local association, ACCT Philly . The veterinary examination revealed the atrocity of the treatment that had been reserved for the unfortunate quadruped; his tongue had knowingly been cut off.

Sarah Barnett / ACCT Philly

In more than a decade of working with animal welfare organizations, Sarah Barnett , Director of Development and Communications at ACCT Philly , had never seen this.

The mutilation suffered by the dog, whom his rescuers called Heart , caused him excruciating pain and prevented him from eating normally. Sarah Barnett and the rest of the team stepped up to give him all the care and attention he needed.

An extraordinary ability to adapt

At the same time, they set out to find a foster family for Heart , but could not find one. The idea was to prepare him for adoption and help him trust humans. Confidence that he had not lost despite what he had lived.

Sarah Barnett finally decided to welcome him herself. A decision she has not regretted, quite the contrary. She let him see how adorable, friendly and begging this dog was to be loved.

Sarah Barnett / ACCT Philly

A dog who remained gentle and affectionate despite his traumas

The main challenge then was to find the best method for him to eat despite his mutilated tongue. After many tests, Sarah Barnett understood that it was simply necessary to raise her bowl of kibble. For a few days, however, she had to help him and clean up the excess food that got into his mouth or on the floor, but Heart himself eventually took it in.

Sarah Barnett / ACCT Philly

Today, it feeds on its own. He is happy, even more pleasant with humans of all ages, including children, and ready to begin a new phase in his life. The ACCT Philly team struggles to find her an adoptive family with no other pets, as Heart needs as much calm as possible.

Read also: The emotional moment of the day: the video of a future mother and her dog who discovers that she is pregnant

Sarah Barnett / ACCT Philly


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