A possible link between heart disease and grain-free kibble for dogs?

The FDA is driving the point home. A year after having mentioned a possible link between grain-free dog food and the development of heart disease, the Food and Drug Administration names 16 brands that are linked to these pathologies. And yet, she wants to be cautious, in front of a study that does not please everyone!

A year ago, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned of the possible danger of feeding your dog with grain-free foods . According to her, dilated canine cardiomyopathy could be one of the consequences of this mode of feeding. The result of nutritional deficiency according to the FDA.

This time around, she says there may be a link between these heart conditions and 16 brands of grain-free dog food . Following its first press release, the FDA continued to compile cases of cardiomyopathy of which it was aware. There are said to be 515 cases of affected dogs , between 2014 and April 30, 2019.

An offensive FDA, but also cautious

And if large breeds , more predisposed to these pathologies, are affected, this is also the case for smaller dogs . All of these brands are mostly sold in Canada and 13 have been the subject of at least ten reports ! As for the 3 others, they peak at more than 67 reports.

A study that promotes marketing?

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In other words: no causal link has been confirmed. However, you should be careful not to change a diet that suits your pooch!


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