A shocked family witnesses the return of their cat when they thought they had attended his funeral!

Frankie’s owners couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw this cat reappear, even though they believed him to be dead and had even arranged his funeral. It all started with the animal running away, then the discovery of a lifeless feline body on a highway, not far from the family home.

A family in Cheshire, in the North West of England, watched in disbelief as their cat returned when they believed the latter had lost his life in a traffic accident days earlier. An incredible story reported by the BBC site on Tuesday, June 15.

First the shock, then the relief and happiness at having found a loved one whom we thought we would never see again. And finally the questions … This is what recently experienced the owners of Frankie , a senior cat.

The 16-year-old animal was missing from the family home, located in the village of Stretton in Warrington . From then on, his owners had started looking for him all over the area. Photos of the cat had also been posted on social media, but it remained nowhere to be found.

Rachel Fitzsimons / Facebook

His mistress Rachel Fitzsimons, however, wanted to remain hopeful, but was disillusioned when she saw the lifeless body of a cat resembling hers, lying on the M6 motorway, near her home. She then contacted the public company Highways England , responsible for the management of the English motorways, and provided him with a detailed description of her pet. Employees confirmed that this matched the characteristics of the feline feline that died on the road.

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