Abandoned dying in a trash can, this dog was found just in time to be taken care of

When examining Phoenix, vets believed the bitch found in a trash bin’s chances of survival were very low. However, it has been reborn from its ashes like the legendary firebird, hence the choice of its name.

The story of Phoenix , reported by The Dodo , dates back to March 2015. She was then discovered in the middle of rubbish and her state of health was very worrying . The dog was first taken into the care of New York City Animal Control, before being transferred to Sean Casey Animal Rescue . In this Brooklyn shelter, we were used to extreme cases , and this one in Phoenix was one of them.

When she arrived, Phoenix […] didn’t have the strength to move anymore. Her breathing was very weak, her eyes rolled, her temperature extremely low and she suffered from an infected laceration in a front paw , ”we learned about her on the Facebook page of the New York organization. Despite the vets’ pessimistic prognosis , the volunteers were determined to save the dog. The sequence of events proved them right.

Sometime later, Phoenix was able to stand on her hind legs again , and then she started walking again. His leg injury was healed . Better yet, the bitch wagged her tail . His progress was followed by many people via the Sean Casey Animal Rescue Facebook page. Among them, a groomer who promised free lifetime grooming for Phoenix once adopted .

In mid-May, the dog did find an adoptive family , as announced by the shelter. Phoenix’s new life could begin …

Read also: She accidentally rolls over her dog, who disappears for 24 long hours


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