Abandoned, this dog wears a big smile, when he learns that he is coming home!

For a dog as active and outgoing as Jake, finding himself, overnight, confined to a shelter after having had a home and a family all his life, it was terrible. Fortunately, happiness awaited him at the turn …

The shelter staff realized, with great bitterness, that the dog was withdrawing and withdrawing into himself a little more each day. So he contacted Rescue Dogs Rock NYC to find a solution.

Initially, Jake was transferred to a veterinary practice where he remained in quarantine and under observation for 3 weeks. Unfortunately, that meant, again, spending several hours a day in a cage . Then, when it was time for him to be adopted , the volunteers were unable to find him a new family. Stacey Silverstein and his colleagues then started talking about him on social networks and there his photos and his story found a certain resonance. So much so that candidates for adoption poured in and that of a family was finally selected .

We can see him, in the photo below, find the smile with his new master , on the road taking them home.

Read also: The surprising story of Cooper, a dog born with a half-spine

After a week with his new family, which includes another dog, Jake has taken his marks and his zest for life has fully returned.


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