After 40 years of incarceration for a crime he did not commit, he is starting a new life with the dog he raised in prison!

Since his incarceration in 1980, Malcolm Alexander had never ceased to proclaim his innocence. A few years ago, an association took action to help him prove that he had nothing to do with the crime of which he was accused. She wasn’t the only one supporting him while he was in prison; a female dog also allowed her to keep her spirits up.

40 years ago, Malcolm Alexander’s life was turned upside down. A rape had taken place in 1979 and, the following year, it was he who was accused . Wrong … From his first day in prison, the man fought to prove he was innocent .

His lawyer at the time hadn’t helped him. Not content with not appearing at several hearings and not having made a plea during the trial, he had, in addition, neglected to resort to a blood test which could have exonerated his client, reports Go Animals .

Life in the maximum security prison was obviously not easy for Malcolm Alexander to bear, especially since he was incarcerated for something he had not committed. Fortunately, in recent years he has found solace in a female dog . He had, in fact, been authorized to adopt a female Labrador-Retriever to which a friend’s dog had given birth a few months earlier. She was the smallest and most fragile puppy of the litter. Malcolm Alexander called her Inn , the first letters of the word innocent.

In 2013, the situation changed. The association The Innocence Project looked into his case. She discovered decisive evidence in the forensic analysis lab at the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office, Louisiana: hair found on the raped woman. Their DNA analysis revealed that these belonged neither to the victim nor to Malcolm Alexander .

On the strength of this element and several others, the association succeeded in demonstrating its innocence and obtained his release on January 30, 2018, 38 years after his entry into prison.

Read also: By refusing to leave his deceased owner, he proves that dogs are the most loyal companions (video)

The video below shows the moving reunion between Malcolm Alexander and Inn , who was able to join him a few days later. We first see the dog on the way to her master, in the car driven by a member of The Innocence Project . Then the big moment …


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