Airport worker finds kitten on the side of the highway, more than 15 meters above the ground

A young cat was saved at the last minute while she was at the edge of a motorway bridge. She was as likely to end up in the fast lane as to fall. Her rescue isn’t the only good news about her.

Rescuing an animal in a fast and busy traffic lane is extremely delicate. He can, in fact, be afraid and flee, only to find himself in the middle of vehicles passing at full speed. Without forgetting the danger to which the workers expose themselves.

It is precisely an operation of this type that a Californian animal protection association had to carry out recently, as reported by ABC News 7 . It was a question of rescuing a kitten.

On June 10, the little feline, a calico-dressed female, found himself trapped on a highway bridge near the San Francsico airport. The young cat was curled up behind the railing and on the concrete base of a lighting pylon, more than 15 meters above the ground.

Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA / Facebook

It was an airport employee who noticed this and informed the Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA , based in Burlingame, California.

The association immediately sent a volunteer to the scene. Equipped with a net, the latter proceeded slowly and cautiously to secure the kitten without scaring it or causing it to flee towards the road. Which he finally managed to do.

The kitten saved, then adopted

The young cat, who was called Gwyneth by her rescuers, was then taken into care by the PHS & SPCA shelter team. 2 weeks later, having noticed that no one had come to claim it and that it was not identified, the organization announced that the kitten was available for adoption.

The animal didn’t have to wait very long. Two days after the announcement, the association shared good news on its Facebook page; Gwyneth was adopted. The post is accompanied by a photo where the kitten appears in the arms of its new owner.

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