Anti running electric fence for dog

The desire of Illustration : "La clôture électrique anti-fugue pour chien" and

dogs to explore their surroundings is the most natural. Some people are more curious and adventurous than others. However, her untimely escape may be a problem. In order to solve this problem, the dog owner chose the solution of electric fence.


is an invisible fence, which is used to delimit the area where dogs can evolve. What is it composed of and what is its working principle? Note: the electric anti-theft fence of

dog aims to delimit an area where dogs can move freely and are not allowed to exceed the area.

this device is used to prevent dogs from escaping, But we should also protect some local objects or creatures, such as chicken houses, vegetable gardens or flower pots.

is an invisible fence used to delimit the area

where dogs can evolve Therefore, the dog’s electric anti-theft fence provides a safe area, and the animals must be limited by the static electricity emitted by the receiver collar. At first glance, these discharges are considered harmless, but many dog educators oppose their use. First, they think that this device may be harmful to dogs, especially in case of failure, and doubt its real effectiveness. According to them, dogs may eventually get used to sending signals, but they will still go beyond the predefined area.

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is available in many models with different accessories and options. But generally speaking, the dog’s electric anti-theft fence consists of the following three main parts: transmitter shell, antenna coil and dog’s receiver collar.

The transmitter housing is the control unit and the component that sends signals to the transmitter leads. The latter will be deployed around pre-defined areas of dog owners to draw invisible boundaries. As soon as the dog gets close to the wire, the receiver collar it is wearing will beep to warn it. If the animal continues to approach the wire, its receiving ring will emit electrostatic stimulation to make it return.

warning and prohibition areas can be set by the user through the control box, just like the signal mode.

The price of

varies from simple to quadruple depending on the model: 50 to 200 euros. For larger terrain, you can buy an expansion kit of about 20 to 30 euros.


“Although the electric dog anti-theft fence may be a substitute for the physical partition wall, it cannot be used without taking minimum precautions.”

also read that when selecting the GPS dog collar


dogs must first gradually get used to wearing the receiving collar, But most importantly, it generates sound and electrostatic signals.

then, the device can only be used occasionally. Dogs should not wear it all the time.


. Finally, generally speaking, it is impossible for dogs to have an electric anti-theft fenceUse on animals under 4kg

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