Born without front legs, this puppy never leaves his savior’s shoulder to win his fight against life

Barely born, a veterinarian already recommended euthanizing Nubby. His condition at birth meant that he had major health complications if not death. Charitable souls are fighting today at his side and as hard as him to hope to one day achieve viable stability.

Just hours after the birth of Nubby, disability of genetic origin of this puppy prevented him from finding a place among his siblings to suckle. Without front legs , and although the mother didn’t react to him rejecting him, he just wasn’t able to push his way through.

“With his siblings making no room for him, Nubby would not have survived. So we took him home , ” Lou Robinson tells Dodo .

Robinson is the founder of Warriors Educate About Rescue in Texas. She has a long experience in animal rescues . She organizes sessions to learn to behave with compassion with animals .

There is no doubt that Nubby is in good hands.

The Robinson couple did their best to find out what to do to keep a puppy alive, so young and in his condition.

So they learned the special techniques to feed the puppy safely and without aspiration pneumonia .

The days passed and the Robinsons were delighted to see that the little dog survived and ended up opening his eyes.

But after 3 weeks, things got more complicated. Nubby was exhibiting very disturbing symptoms .

The x-rays showed that the puppy suffered from an anomaly in the esophagus . A pocket in the latter retained the milk he swallowed.

The puppy was treated with antibiotics and given oxygen . He was having a hard time breathing but he was struggling. Robinson marvelously recounts how the puppy struggled to cling to life. They themselves did not give up.

Nubby is now 5 weeks old and has returned to the Robinson’s . Doctors cannot yet comment on his state of health. The puppy is still too young for them to be able to define the course of his disease or say if it can be treated.

Read also: A war veteran bids moving farewell to his service dog who was helping him fight post-traumatic stress

Robinson hopes with all his heart that Nubby can overcome these difficulties and grow with them. He would join the Warriors Educate About Rescue and teach children to assert themselves in their differences.

The puppy is very playful, intelligent and dynamic. It does not suffer from its peculiarity in any way.


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