Bus driver brings up 2 lost dogs to help them find their families

Opening the doors of the bus she was driving to 2 dogs she had found on her way, Jamie Grabowski was unaware that their family was desperately looking for them all night.

This story reported by The Dodo took place the week before Christmas . That evening in Milwaukee , Wisconsin, a bus driver by the name of Jamie Grabowski was finishing her shift. She was heading for the depot when she noticed 2 dogs on the sidewalk.

The Doberman Pinscher and the Pitbull seemed lost and shivered on that cold December night. Jamie Grabowski , who has dogs herself, couldn’t sit back and do nothing. So she decided to stop . She opened the doors of the bus, then urged the dogs up to protect them from the cold and the risk of an accident . The 2 very friendly quadrupeds kept wagging their tails.

Jamie Grabowski played with them until a police officer arrived. The latter then took them to the premises of the Animal Service of the City of Milwaukee ( MADACC ). It turned out that their owners, who live 4 km from where the bus driver found them, had spent all night looking for them .

During the reunion , the family thanked Jamie Grabowski , the Milwaukee Police and MADACC for their admirable efforts.

Read also: Social networks to the rescue of a man who had not heard from his stolen assistance dog for days


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