Caring man awarded for helping 16-year-old dog abandoned in dumpster

Some people are in the right place at the right time. Earl Sparkman was picking up trash on a street in Jacksonville, Florida, when he made a surprising discovery. Thanks to him, a life was saved.

Sheba , 16, was abandoned in a dumpster. The old dog was found stressed and panting in the middle of the rubbish. “ When I lifted the lid, the heat coming out was unbearable, ” said the Good Samaritan. His only concern was how the animal was doing.

The big-hearted man contacted the authorities and immediately gave Sheba water. The latter was handed over to a local shelter, reveals News4Jax .

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Its former owner didn’t want to take care of it anymore

He wanted to make sure the dog would survive. He didn’t care about anything else, ”said Nicole McBroom , an officer in the Jacksonville sheriff’s office. An animal control officer discovered Sheba had a microchip.

Police have revealed that her owner, Robert Drummond , 65, wanted her dog to be euthanized because of her age, but also because of the blindness and deafness she suffers from. The wait at the vet being too long, the 60-year-old decided to leave the premises. He was arrested for an act of cruelty to animals.

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Sheba is currently being cared for and pampered by the volunteers at the shelter.

Jacksonville hero

Without Earl Sparkman’s intervention, the dog would certainly have died in excruciating pain. He was recognized by the police as a hero. He also received gift cards worth $ 1,000 (approximately € 800).

Read also: Rejected by his mother, this unusually small horse finds comfort with 3 dogs

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To be honest with you, the reward is being able to find this dog, ” said Sheba’s guardian angel.


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