Chinese Police Arrest Man Killing Dogs With Mini Crossbows And Feeding Them!

Zhangjiagang Police

Armed with a mini-crossbow, a Chinese restaurateur fired poisoned darts at dogs to shoot them down, then serve the meat to his customers. Alerted by local residents, the individual was arrested by the police.

CCTV footage released by police in Zhangjiagang , a city in far eastern China’s Jiangsu Province, is unbearable . They first show a dog dying and struggling in the middle of a small road. The poor animal had just received a poisoned dart . The gunman joined him aboard his scooter before taking him away and restarting to take the direction of the nearby town of Changshu , where he lives.

The rest of the video shows a police car chasing the two-wheeler, then 2 police officers on foot managing to bring down the dog killer on the run from his motorcycle to stop him . The person, whose only last name, Chen , was revealed, had shot down 8 dogs with his poisoned darts in 2 hours that morning, December 15, as reported by the Daily Mail . Owner of a restaurant , he planned to serve the meat of the cowardly murdered quadrupeds to his customers.

It was local residents who had warned the police when they saw him shoot the unfortunate animals. The rise in the price of dog meat would have prompted him to fall back on stray canines.

To read also: A 68-year-old man and his dog enthusiastic about walking have covered in 8 years the equivalent of a round the world

At the end of the sequence, we can also see the weapon which he used to send the darts, a kind of crossbow pistol , as well as 5 ammunition seized, too, by the police.

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