Each year, an 80-year-old woman and her disabled dog take a journey of approximately 1,000 kilometers on horseback.

Jane Dotchin travels on horseback every year from her home in Hexham to Inverness, Scotland. On August 31, she left with Dinky, her dog.

It all started in 1972. Jane Dotchin outfitted her horse and rode 600 miles (almost 965 kilometers) in Scottish territory. Now 80 years old, the adventurer has absolutely not lost her determination, her courage and her taste for travel. Every year, she continues this tradition, despite her advanced age.

© Katielee Arrowsmith / SWNS

At the end of August, she picked up her backpack and climbed on the back of Diamond , her 13-year-old horse. But the equine was not his only traveling companion. The intrepid octogenarian has comfortably installed in front of her Dinky , her disabled Jack Russell. The inseparable trio thus cover 15 to 20 miles per day (between 24 and 32 kilometers approximately).

© Katielee Arrowsmith / SWNS

Some challenges

The Scottish is well equipped. Among her precious luggage is a tent, good food and a lot of other things for her and her old furry friends. Since her first expedition almost 50 years ago, Jane Dotchin has traveled the country on horseback. This epic journey typically lasts 7 weeks; it allows her to greet the people she has met along the way over the years.

© Katielee Arrowsmith / SWNS

There are several different routes I can take depending on the weather,” she explained. “I don’t care about the maps, I stick to the routes I know. The small group is content with little during this journey. The water is notably renewed thanks to the streams.

© Katielee Arrowsmith / SWNS

Dinky , who suffers from a deformity in the legs, travels in a suitable bag placed at the base of the horse’s neck. At night, the dog snuggles up against its owner.

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© Katielee Arrowsmith / SWNS

But if this trip to the heart of the Scottish moor is a dream, it sometimes has negative points … The rider is dismayed by the amount of rubbish left in nature. Some drivers are also not very conciliatory and do not leave him the necessary space to circulate in safety. Despite the challenges, Jane and her companions have no plans to stop their annual walks anytime soon.


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