Elisa Pilarski’s companion appeals to specialist lawyer to defend Curtis’ rights


Christophe Ellul is preparing to hire a lawyer specializing in animal law. The process aims to protect the rights of Curtis, still impounded and affected by a behavioral assessment.

To date, the online kitty created in support of Curtis , Elisa Pilarski’s dog , has raised nearly 5,000 euros . That is much more than the 3,500 euros which was the initial objective. Launched on the Leetchi platform by friends of Christophe Ellul , the companion of the late young woman, it will help the latter to secure the services of a specialist lawyer to defend the rights of the dog and protect it as best as possible, such as Midi Libre reports.

The goal is also to obtain the transfer of the American Staffordshire Terrier to a specialized association , Christophe Ellul saying he is concerned about his psychological state . We already told you about it last week, with its message relayed by the Facebook page of support for Elisa Pilarski .

The animal would have, in fact, been the subject of a dog biting procedure and a behavioral assessment following an incident unrelated to the death of its mistress. Curtis was impounded in Beauvais in the Oise, where he is greatly disturbed by the change of environment and the separation from his family. Especially since Christophe Ellul cannot visit him .

As a reminder, the lifeless and mutilated body of Elisa Pilarski , 29, was discovered on November 16 in the forest of Retz , in the Aisne. Bites from one or more dogs were the cause of his death. It remains to be seen which animal it is. The answer is expected next February , when the results of the DNA tests carried out on Curtis , the couple’s other 4 Amstaffs and the sixty Rallye de la passion hounds present that day will be revealed.

Read also: 2 days of frantic search to find a dog missing after a bear attack

Let us also recall that the Belgian Shepherd Malinois and his master, with whom Elisa Pilarski had had tense exchanges before the tragedy, were exonerated .

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