Identifying the places of animal abandonment this summer, the daring bet of the APRR with the help of the Waze application

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Each summer, the SPA records no less than 60,000 abandoned pets. An application comes to reinforce the initiative of the APRR to try to remedy this dramatic situation.

During the holidays , tens of thousands of abandoned pets are recorded every summer. In order to support the action of the APRR ( Autoroutes Paris-Rhin-Rhône ) and the SPA , the Waze application decides to report the rental of each animal abandoned on a motorway rest area . By displaying the location, photo and name of the animal on the GPS, the application makes it possible to rescue the animal or at least raise awareness of this kind of practice.

Counting on its 13 million users, the Waze application therefore consolidates an initiative undertaken by the APRR for 4 years. “ 60,000 is the number of animals abandoned each summer in France. A number which continues to increase despite the campaigns and measures put in place. Between summer 2018 and 2019, the SPA noted a 10% increase in the number of dropouts ”. This can be read in the APRR press release relayed by Actu .

The APRR will also organize events in the areas of the Porte de la Drôme , Mâcon Saint-Albain and Jura motorways. They will aim to bring to the attention of animal owners advice to educate them on landscaped courses .

Read also: Abandoned and disabled, this German Shepherd is learning to walk again thanks to the love and support of a couple (video)

It should also be noted that the APRR has started its campaign to collect and raise awareness about the abandonment of animals that it is carrying out on social networks. Thanks to the hashtag #APRRcontrelabandon , the motorway group hopes to raise 40,000 euros to provide 80,000 meals to the animals of the SPA. Each video shared is equivalent to 1 euro donated to the Society for the Protection of Animals.

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