Infested with ticks, fleas and maggots under its gaping wounds, a dog transforms when taken in by volunteers!

Rib’s transformation is most spectacular. While he appeared to be on the verge of death when he was discovered and rescued, he is now a beautiful and healthy dog.

It is in one of the streets of Campo Mourão , in the state of Parana in Brazil, that a dog named Rib was found by the team of the association Paws 4 Hope , as reported by I Love My Dog So Much . When the volunteers approached him, the animal was frightened . They took the time to gain his trust, however .

His state of health was extremely worrying . His skin was literally eaten away by the itch , which had caused him to lose most of his hair . At the end of its strength, the dog’s body was infested with all kinds of parasites : worms , but also fleas , ticks , as well as maggots that lived in its gaping wounds .

Rib was immediately taken to the vet , who also discovered he was suffering from a severe form of anemia . The maggots were removed one by one, then the specialist determined the treatments to be administered.

Over the following days, then weeks and months, the dog got better and better thanks to the care, attention from Paws 4 Hope , and then his foster family . The next step in Rib’s new life was to join his definitive family, since he was adopted .

With its new parents, the canine has relearned to trust humans and continued its incredible metamorphosis . His hair grew back , his skin returned to its normal state , he gained weight and his sweet personality came to light.

Here is the story of his rescue in video :


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