Owners of an “aggressive” dog sentenced to 6 months in prison

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In Belgium, a couple was sentenced in absentia to 6 months in prison for the 2 attacks committed by their dog on as many joggers in 2019. The animal had managed to escape from the home to attack the victims and inflict serious injuries on them.”

This Monday, March 15, the Brussels Criminal Court delivered its judgment on the case of the double attack of a dog on people who were jogging 2 years ago. Its owners, a couple living in Hal in the Flemish Region, were indeed sentenced to 6 months in prison, as reported by RTBF.”

The first assault of the biting dog took place on March 18, 2019. The canid, who was in the garden of his masters’ home, had jumped over the fence as a jogger passed by. The animal had bitten his shin and buttocks, which necessitated his hospitalization. The couple were not at home at the time of this attack.”

The second occurred 7 months later, in October 2019. The victim was, this time, an independent osteopath. Bitten on the legs, she had to observe several weeks of immobilization following this incident. The defendants were at their home and had great difficulty in controlling it.”

” A dog with a deficient education and an insufficiently high fence

Among the shortcomings accused of the couple by the public prosecutor: the insufficient education of the dog, the fact that he was not kept on a leash and the low height of the fence.”

To read also: Terrified by humans because of the mistreatment he suffered, this Malinois relearns to trust

Moreover, the mayor of the commune had ordered the seizure of the quadruped, but the latter had mysteriously disappeared. Its owners had adopted another. Their 2nd dog would not be better educated than his predecessor and would not be kept on a leash, according to RTBF.”

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