Removed from a dog slaughterhouse where he was amputated, this two-legged Dalmatian discovers love!

Born in China, where she ended up in a slaughterhouse and lost her front legs, Emma Roo the dog escaped hell thanks to local volunteers, then an American organization which organized her repatriation to the USA. His new family was waiting for him there.

Emma Roo’s nightmare ended 8 months ago when she arrived in the United States. Until that date, her life was a constant torture.

As the Animal Channel recounts, this Dalmatian dog was abandoned in the streets in China when she was still a very young puppy . Her owners decided to get rid of her because she had a badly shaped toe . His ordeal was only just beginning.

Soon after, she was captured and sent to a slaughterhouse . It was there that her front legs , part of her tail and the tips of her ears were amputated . Absolute horror, while waiting for her to be put to death … The poor bitch was only 8 weeks old at the time.

As soon as they learned about it, Chinese animal activists took her out of this slaughterhouse, then contacted the American association Dalmatian Rescue of South Florida , based in North Miami Beach , Florida. The latter organized the air transport of Emma Roo from China to the United States, where she finally arrived last January.

It wasn’t long before the dog found a loving family , that of Misha Rackcliff . The latter saw the photos of Emma Roo on the Internet and was particularly struck by the expressiveness of her eyes . She did not hesitate to drive for 5 hours to pick her up and formalize her adoption .

Misha Rackcliff expected to be dealing with a distant , even aggressive , dog after all she had been through. It was quite the opposite; Emma Roo is exceptionally gentle . Of course, she still has to deal with her fears , like those of men or chainsaw- like noises (like lawn mowers), but she is making progress day by day thanks to the love of her new family.

Read also: A dog with a deformed face comes close to euthanasia after being abandoned (video)

To help her get around, she received prostheses and then a custom-made cart. Emma Roo has never been happier in her life. She is now safe and surrounded by those who love her.


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