Reunion between a homeless master and his dog, his only support!

Since living on the streets, Lee , a 24 year old young man, can only count on the support of his 2 year old dog. One evening, around mid-January, she fled during an argument not far from her. It took a week and all the help from a local organization to get their hands on it. The reunion was very warm.

At 24, Lee lives on the streets . The young man walks the arteries of Leeds , a city well known in England . He can’t count on anyone , except his faithful 2-year-old dog : Crystal . They never leave each other . This is his little ray of sunshine and does everything to make his protege feel good in his company. Of course, it is never easy for a canine to live outdoors continuously.

On January 15, everything changed . Lee and Crystal took refuge under a bridge . Not far from them, an argument breaks out between several people. Frightened, Crystal fled under Lee’s dumbfounded gaze. In an instant, his duo could no longer hold. The man was devastated and, after scanning his surroundings , he soon realized that he would have to rely on luck to find her. Luck, that’s what he’s been missing for several years …

For once, Lee could count on the help of Helping Hands , a local organization which scrambled to find Crystal . Lee’s worry didn’t fade away. He was especially afraid that Crystal had been stolen. It did not happen.

A few hours later, Lee and Crystal reunited. Not without a visible emotion that we see in this video shot in the premises of the association . We see an upset Lee. We even hear him say the following sentence: “ I missed you so much . Lee and Crystal have since moved away to live. Not without welcome help. The local organization offered some gifts to help the man and his dog in their daily lives. Including a new leash to prevent Crystal from escaping in the future. But Lee did not imagine for a moment that this possibility could exist.

Read also: This bitch found sad and scabby is fighting to stay alive and hopes to find a new family


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