September 11 attacks: the memory of the last search dog in the rubble lives on

Bretagne was one of the hundreds of search dogs that intervened at the site of the September 11, 2001 attacks. Disappeared in 2016, she had marked the spirits and symbolized the tremendous work accomplished by these canines and their owners. Today, his sister Finn is about to take up the torch.

She was the last of the search dogs deployed in the rubble of the World Trade Center Twin Towers, the targets of the attacks 20 years ago in New York City . Brittany is no longer of this world, but her memory is perpetuated through the work of her mistress, but also her little sister Finn , as told Today .

Denise Corliss / Today

A life spent in the service of others

Brittany was a real symbol. All her fellows who had participated in this operation had disappeared before her. The bitch was therefore, in a way, their standard bearer until her disappearance in 2016. Firefighters and rescuers had also formed a guard of honor by greeting her when she was taken to a veterinary clinic to accompany her last. moments of life. His body was then covered with the star-spangled banner.

After September 11, Brittany intervened in other disasters, in particular the areas devastated by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. She then had the right to a well-deserved retirement, where she nevertheless continued to render valuable service; the Golden Retriever visited school children to encourage them to read in his presence.

The memory of Brittany is omnipresent with Denise Corliss . The latter wears a pendant containing the ashes of the bitch. In its neighborhood sits a bronze statue bearing the effigy of Brittany . And when she comes home, she is happily greeted by Finn , her late friend’s little sister.

Denise Corliss / Today

The worthy heiress of Brittany

Denise Corliss / Today

1-year-old Finn’s behavior is very similar to that of his eldest child. Denise Corliss relates in particular that, as Brittany did, she lies down by extending her hind legs like a frog. And when Finn wants a treat, she takes a package and drags it around until her mistress opens it and offers her one. A habit that the late Brittany also had. “It is these precious little details that are relived through this other bitch, ” confides the one who continues to train research dogs.

Also read: This soldier thought he would never see his dog adopted in Afghanistan again. His family has a moving surprise in store for him on his return to the USA

Denise Corliss / Today

She does it with Finn , who is still at the very beginning of his apprenticeship, but who already shows great predispositions. The worthy heir to her sister heroine.


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