Social media star Malcolm The Akita wins World Influencers and Bloggers Awards

Illustration : "La star des réseaux sociaux, Malcolm The Akita, récompensé au World Influencers and Bloggers Awards"

Malcolm The Akita, makes the happiness of thousands of followers on Instagram. Celebrity on the web and muse of the online pet store Croquetteland, he received the title of Best Animal Account on social networks as part of the Ceremony of the World Influencers and Bloggers Awards. Malcolm and his owner, May Chan-Koung, walked the red carpet in style on July 12.”

Bloggers and influencers of social networks have been on the rise in recent years. So much so that an annual ceremony has been dedicated to them since 2019.”

The World Influencers and Bloggers Awards (WIBA) are aimed at the celebrities of the web, real actors of the world of tomorrow, highlighting them and ensuring their promotion. 300 million people follow the results and 5 million viewers discover the lucky ones live and by broadcast.”

Internet being well anchored in our society, the WIBA aim to create links between the various generations. Regardless of age, gender, culture and nationality: the goal is to form a unique universe that communicates and exchanges relevant information.”

© Malcolm The Akita

One of the most famous dogs on the Internet

Animals, travel, food, family, there are a myriad of categories, each allowing only one winner. And humans aren’t the only ones competing! As proof, Malcolm, an American Akita followed by the communication agency YLG, joined the adventure by participating in the Advanced category.”

Animals will never stop surprising us!”

© May Chan-Koung / Malcolm The Akita

For more than 5 years, the adorable boil of the 4-legged celebrity has been the delight of Internet users. His mistress, May Chan-Koung, regularly posts photos and videos of her faithful companion that illuminate the blogosphere.”

His primary goal was to share content with his relatives and American Akitas enthusiasts. But over time, the community grew. Today, his Instagram account has more than 90,000 followers.”

© Malcolm The Akita

A star who has dog

The notoriety of the canid earned him the title Best Animal Account , that is, the Best Animal Account on social networks.”

On July 12, 2021, Malcolm and May had the chance to be invited to a ceremony at the Martinez Hotel during the legendary Cannes Film Festival, in order to receive the award in clean paws. The audience literally fell in love with the merry quadruped. The latter has even been called a Star of Show! Photogenic, the animal posed proudly next to its smiling owner.”

Malcolm, the celebrity who has dog, does not intend to stop in such a good way. He has not finished making people talk about him and offering more and more sweetness to Internet users.”

Read also: A woman places unnecessary orders in order to reunite her dog and her favorite delivery man

© May Chan-Koung / Malcolm The Akita

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